Name was shocked as Autumn scrambled away from the table in a blind panic, and raced away into the inn. "Dammit Name!" The doctor cursed himself. Nate had mentioned over the phone that Autumn might be suffering from some physiologic damage, and he had been to caught up in his own moment of weakness to notice her rising panic. Luckily they had finished feeding. "How am I going to explain she has nothing to fear from blood when I can't even stand its scent?" Name asked himself. Still it made a few things easier at least. Picking up Gary the rabbit Name followed after her mad dash. It took a few minutes but he found where Autumn had curled up. "What can I say" Name pondered to himself. Word's not forthcoming Name crawled up beside her, hugging her and whispering in a comforting voice. "It's okay sweet child. I'm here, your safe." Still talking softly and soothing he continued, "As long as you have Aiden and me nothing will ever hurt you again. I promise I will keep you safe Autumn." Name ment every single word.