So hello everyone! After I finally finished school, I now have a whole summer to indulge in what I love the most - writing! I generally prefer quite realistic, gritty plots with lots of drama, but if fluffy things are you thing, then I could do that as well. I usually play females if that is of any importance to you! I like at least one to two paragraphs worth of text. I appreciate more, but I accept less as I understand that it can be hard from time to time. Other than that, I don’t really have any rules, except perhaps that it would be nice of you could post quite often, at least a couple of times a week. I'll try to post every other day, perhaps more. With the boring stuff out of the way - let's get started! I had a couple of cravings: - in a Game of Thrones-esque society, not necessarily supernatural, medieval or anything like the original, but a society built on several houses ruling different parts of a country, but all adhering to one king/dictator, a rebel group forms to bring the upper classes down and take the crown. As I said, this could be any time, any place (medieval to modern day), all that is important is the world and the characters we create together. - anything historical, from Viking age to Tudors to Victorian to 20th century. I'd be willing to try my hands on anything, whether made up or historical (but I prefer mostly original characters!) - I’d be really happy to play something noir in a 20th century setting as well, anything from the Edwardian era to the seventies. I looove good crime role plays. And apocalyptic ones too. Other than that, I’m interested in role playing any plot or a pairing that both of us like. As I said, the important thing is that we develop it together, so that both of us feel strongly about the role play. Please feel free to PM me if you’re interested, or if you have any ideas on your own. I generally don’t really do fandoms, and especially not with original characters, but if you can convince me otherwise, I’m pretty much up to anything. :)