[u][b]PITY - Application for Academic Year 2015/2016[/b][/u] [b]Student Name:[/b] [INDENT]Leo Yan[/INDENT] [b]Gender:[/b] [INDENT]Male[/INDENT] [b]Nationality:[/b] [INDENT]Chinese[/INDENT] [b]Age:[/b] [INDENT]19[/INDENT] [b]D.O.B.:[/b] [INDENT]27th January 1995[/INDENT] [b][u]Appearance[/u][/b] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/1c/a8/fa/1ca8fadfac512a2a0d14933aa6c7e0fd.jpg[/img] [b]Hair Color:[/b] [INDENT]Black[/INDENT] [b]Eye Color:[/b] [INDENT]Brown[/INDENT] [b]Ethnicity:[/b] [INDENT]Asian[/INDENT] [b]Height:[/b] [INDENT]165 Cm[/INDENT] [b]Weight:[/b] [INDENT]60 Kg[/INDENT] [b][u]Powers & Abilities[/u][/b] [b]Power Name:[/b] [INDENT]Enhanced Strength[/INDENT] [b]Power Description:[/b] [INDENT]My strength is beyond human limits.[/INDENT] [b]Abilities:[/b] [INDENT] With super human muscles, my strength is far beyond that of any ordinary person. While not visible upon my frame, my strength is quite fearful. Due to the fact that my body would break under the sheer pressure of my strength, my power is accompanied by enhanced durability, but only enough to prevent my power from being harmful to myself. As of now it does not effect my exterior frame further than protecting me from lighter bludgeoning. [i]Passive[/i] - My strength is on par with ten grown men at all times, greatly enhancing my capabilities such as power and speed. [i]Active[/i] - With enough adrenaline, I can infuse my muscles further and gain more strength, however it drains me drastically and leaves me incredibly fatigued once the adrenaline leaves my frame. At this level I could rip a vault door from place but it would leave me tired and useless until I manage a good rest. [/INDENT] [b]Drawbacks & Weaknesses:[/b] [INDENT]I have no defensive powers. My skin is just as vulnerable to blades and bullets as any other’s. I have no tricks up my sleeve. My power is very straight forward and enhances my physical capabilities but it doesn’t stretch beyond that. I cannot ever lift a truck or toss a car. The latter could be possible if I activate my powers further but it would leave me fatigued and drained. If I stay in my 'powered' mode for too long, my body will start hurting and the next day it will feel like I have been through heavy workout and I'll be incredibly sore.[/INDENT] [b][u]About You[/u][/b] [b]Family:[/b] [INDENT]My mother Lin Yan is the only immediate family I grew up with. My grandfather Bo Yan was always rather close to us until he passed away a year ago. My father left soon after I was born and I haven’t heard of him since. [/INDENT] [b]Personal Statement:[/b] [INDENT]I’ve always been somewhat of an activist. As a child I was quickly bullied for not having a father and being asian. Some people thought I knew ‘martial arts’ and tried to fight with me, leaving me rather beat up. Funny how their stereotype would eventually come to fruition. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t regret anything. This isn’t a sob story. In fact, I am happy it happened to me rather than someone else who might not have been able to handle it. Either way, my treatment would eventually spark an interest in activism and human rights when I turned thirteen. I wanted to dress as colourfully as I could to attract all the [i]‘assholes’[/i]. At this point I had in fact dedicated most of my free time if not all of it to martial arts and put it to much use. I can’t tell you how often my mother scolded me because of my behaviour. I wanted to take care of others and be a light in the darkness, someone poor unfortunate souls could lean on and rely on. Of course, back then I was driven by anger and a zealous intent. I hated bullies and I hated judgemental people. It was around this time that I realised that I am gay, another thing to add to the list. I fell in love with another boy named Vale, but nothing came of it. He found a girlfriend, though. I don’t know if this is relevant but I don’t have any secrets. If it’s interesting to know, there you have it. After a while I noticed how my strength was tremendously accelerated. I had been in countless fights before, almost everyday, but never had my strength been on that level. I nearly broke a poor guy’s ribs with a punch. I was suspended from school for a while at that point, and it allowed me some time to think. With this newfound gift, I would be more fearsome than ever before. No one would want to go up against me and I didn’t need to wave it around because soon after returning to school, now sixteen years old, word had gone around. People still picked fights with me but only in groups. I joined a gang of young mutants and noticed a boiling hatred growing within my heart towards humankind. We called ourselves The Liberated. We took care of each other, sheltered one another and more often than not ended up in gang fights with other supremacist gangs. We were childish and filled with rage. We constantly told ourselves and each other that no one understands us and that everyone is the enemy. To elevate my knowledge of what I stood against, I became politically interested and active. I always listened to the latest debates, always kept up with the news. Needless to say, this fuelled me. It fuelled all of us. When I was eighteen years old, I was elected as the leader of The Liberated. People looked up to me both as a leader and a ‘champion’. The latter was a title they branded me with. At this point I started analysing what we were doing, what I was doing. Politicians used words as their weapons and they changed more than we ever could with violence. We were nothing but thugs, nothing but children. We were just like other gangs of nazis and racists beating other people for not believing what we do. We were wrong. One could call it a quick change of heart but all around me I saw the people I cared about being hurt. They were constantly surrounded by negative energy and if they weren’t bruised, they had bruised others and if they weren’t angry, they were crying. Violence births violence, sadness causes sadness. This wouldn’t work, it hadn’t worked. I vowed to focus to on taking care of my friends, of everyone that needed it. ‘Punishing the wicked’ was that started this whole mess. I couldn’t keep throwing oil into that flame. So that’s me. I am sure there is more to tell, but that will be revealed in due time. I won’t hide the fact that I am indeed a rebel, but I matured from the scared and angry kid I used to be. I am looking forward to meeting the people on this campus and see where they stand. This world needs more professional and passionate activists fighting for equality without throwing punches. I am sure there is a lot to learn here.[/INDENT] [HIDER=Sample post]”What the hell is this!?” An assertive voice cracked through the fight. Two boys no older than thirteen had been beating each other to the point of bloodshed and neither were ready to stop. Stepping into the fire was a young man, asian in appearance. His bright red converse would perhaps not draw him a hoodlum, and neither would the several rainbow bracelets along his forearms. One could perhaps also point out the pink dyed streaks in his black hair. “This piece of shit called me a freak!” One of the boys shouted, his hair a bright blonde but now dirty from the fight. He seemed rather scrawny, but so did the other boy. In front of the blonde child stood another, a boy with dark brown hair and clenched teeth. They were both breathing heavily and stood bruised from the battle that had taken place. “That’s ‘cause you are! Both of you!” He ran forth to throw a desperate punch towards the larger, asian young man. Leo as his name was easily caught the boy’s fist and shoved him back. “Go home.” Leo frowned at the child who understood that he was outmatched at this point. He returned the frown but spun around and ran away from the scene. “I could have taken him…” The blonde child continued, wiping some sweat from his forehead. “What are you doing, James?” Leo placed a hand on his hip and raised an eyebrow. “He calls you a freak and you attack him?” “You always told us to stand up for ourselves!” The boy crossed his arms and avoided eye contact. “Yes, I did. I also told you not to start fights. Be thick skinned, James. Don’t be stupid. Nothing good will come from fighting people.” A large change from what Leo would have said three years prior. “But…” James tried but couldn’t help but sigh. “It’s hard to just take it…” “I know, James.” Leo knelt down and placed his hands on the boy’s shoulders. “It is hard, but…” Cutting him off, Leo heard a pair of footsteps behind him and quickly spun around to meet a metal pipe heading for him. Luckily, he managed to catch it and clenched his fingers around it. “Go, James.” “Leo!” The child cried out, watching the four young adults that had just stormed the scene. “It’s going to be fine, just go…and don’t call for help. Just go home.” Leo didn’t move his gaze from the newly arrived attackers. “Look here…” The one in the back spoke. “It’s the lord faggot himself.” Leo pulled the pipe from the one who had swung it and threw it to the ground. “I don’t want to fight you.” “Oh but we want to fight you, pretty boy.” The third man drew a knife. “Think you can take all of us?” It took a moment for Leo to respond, turning his head slightly to see James shivering in fear behind him. With a heavy sigh he finally spoke to the men. “Come…” (Also, Storm.)[/HIDER]