The Guardian's systems were failing, the main booster had refused to work for the last two hours and now it seemed like the rest were finally shutting down as well. The landing had been rough, but well executed - obviously the pilot of the battered flight suit knew that they were doing. After a haphazard docking maneuver the Guardian's cockpit opened and a woman leaped out. The woman wore a bit battered military uniform and an overtly large trench coat which had the stylized spear emblem of the now destroyed Xian Federation on it's left sleeve. Those who had paid attention to the news a few years back could still easily recognize the Halcyon General, Ramia Zeon. Like the Flight Suit the woman too had seen better days, parts of her face had suffered burns which hadn't gotten time to heal and the obviously bionic left eye flickered from one color to the next. The black streaks under her eyes indicated that she hadn't slept well for a long time and the noticeable way she kept avoiding on putting too much weight on her left leg made it seem like she was not at 100%. Ramia managed a little smile as she finally reached James and Belle. "I'm late. Engine problems." She nudged her head towards the Guardian Mark IV that seemed to have it's fair share of problems stacking up over the engine ones.