[quote=@Spawnling] [@Raijinslayer] "The police office had no evidence that the Incubus had actually been taking illegal substances, but Oerba had a feeling about it. The Naga, however, would not make any moves and risk being wrong." I think Cobra was saying that Oerba THINKS Ian does drugs, based off her own assumptions, not that he actually does. However [@Queen Cobra] "The snake woman said, her red eyes glinting malevolently as she brought up his little relationship with substances." Is a very assumptive line that suggests she knows Ian does drugs, which is borderline forcing information onto another player. I would recommend you rewrite that line to avoid confusion. [/quote] rumors are rumors, guys. It's a threat Oerba is making to make him squirm. She doesn't have solid knowledge that Ian does meth and neither do any of the other officers. Considering that Ian would be in prison if they did. Speaking of officers, are you going to create any NPC officers?