As if on cue, the sound of approaching footsteps reached the party at the cabin. Or rather, staggering footsteps. A lone figure dislosged itself from the shade beneath some pines and came hobbling towards the cabin. The occational clink and clank of steel revealed that the person was armored, and the pale light of the moon reflected off of a sword being dragged in the dirt behind the figure. As it came closer, signs of struggle or battle became apparent; the sword was stained with a splatter of dark red, and blood was dripping from the tangled mess that was the figures head. It stopped a good few feet away from the party, slowly swaying this way and that, before finally raising its gaze. There was no mistake, it was Celeste. And by the looks of it, she had recently been fighting. Hard. Her left hand hung limp and useless at her side. The only part of her with any kind of vigour left was her right hand, clenched so tight around the hilt of her sword that her knuckles were white. As one of the heroes tried to move against her, she hissed audibly and added, whispered through gritted teeth, [color=fff200]S-stay away! I... I don't... I can't...[/color] A violent spasm went through her body and she shrieked with pain. Her head snapped forcefully backwards, and then to the side. From there her gaze was once again turned against the heroes, giving them a sideways glance. There was something off-putting about that glance. She was also smiling cruelly, as if she knew a secret the people in front of her didn't and she was mocking them for it. She spoke once more, this time with a calm, steady voice. [color=fff200]Ok boys. Let's see what this bitch goes for.[/color] Without any warning Celeste lunged forward, no more staggering but seemingly in perfect health, and swung her sword at the one closest to her!