[center][h1][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBIkE2XHUbs]Ahzidal - The Raven[/url][/h1] [img]https://31.media.tumblr.com/4ab68186fd4b8a40b5ad8f426fad7d14/tumblr_ncc32kMwZ41tjsogwo1_500.gif[/img] [color=Silver][i][b]Name:[/b][/i] Ahzidal, known almost exclusively as "The Raven" or Diaval [i][b]Age:[/b][/i] Unknown, appears to be in his mid-thirties [i][b][url=http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-gUU835azeSU/VCSFqaTX_1I/AAAAAAAAKtQ/h4SLDLGH4f0/s1600/dracula-untold_nws6.png]Appearance:[/url][/b][/i] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/a5/9d/07/a59d07f0ba249d0961b666eefb0b20f9.jpg[/img] [i][b]Appearance - Raven Form:[/b][/i] [img]http://cdn-nus-1.pinme.ru/pin-upload-static/photos/2acc13f0cde8314aecbd1aa4ef24c58f_m1.jpg[/img] [i][b]Wardrobe Style:[/b][/i] Elegant and austere with a certain air of mysticism and intimidation, Ahzidal's garments pay homage to the raven he is most known for. When in human form, Ahzidal's typical apparel consists of a long, sleeveless black hooded robe over a black-and-silver belted tunic with dark gray trousers, shined leather boots, and either leather or metal vambraces on his wrists. Perhaps his most defining feature, however, is the concealing silver mask he wears over his face, revealing only his cold steely eyes. Ahzidal's appearance underneath this mask is known only to a very few people, namely including the Queen. [hider=Outfit Angle One][img]http://cdn.instructables.com/F4M/IAJG/GUO15I6T/F4MIAJGGUO15I6T.MEDIUM.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Outfit Angle Two][img]http://cdn.instructables.com/F42/JOY8/GUMFTTUX/F42JOY8GUMFTTUX.MEDIUM.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Outfit Angle Three][img]http://cdn.instructables.com/FSU/OPY7/GUMFTTEY/FSUOPY7GUMFTTEY.MEDIUM.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Outfit Angle Four][img]http://cdn.instructables.com/FYI/S36Z/GUKAR2SK/FYIS36ZGUKAR2SK.MEDIUM.jpg[/img][/hider] [i][b]Height & Build:[/b][/i] Ahzidal stands at six feet in height, with a powerful, dark presence. His physique is broad-shouldered and slender, with the trim build of an olympian athlete. [i][b]Affiliation:[/b][/i] Formerly [url=http://easydamus.com/trueneutral.html]True Neutral[/url], now [url=http://easydamus.com/neutralevil.html]Neutral Evil[/url] [i][b]Status and Job:[/b][/i] The Evil Queen's personal assassin, pet, and paramour. [i][b]Magic Capabilities:[/b][/i] An extremely powerful Dark Wizard, Ahzidal's skill in magic nearly rivals that of the Evil Queen's, specializing in combative or offensive magic as opposed to more subtle elements such as potion-making or poisoned apples. During battle, he frequents the use of telekinesis, teleportation, pyrokinesis, and various other spells so as to overpower and eliminate his enemy; favoring more lethal attacks rather than immobilization or stunning spells, though he will utilize such when the need calls for it. Perhaps Ahzidal's greatest feat in magic, however, is his transfiguration ability. A shapeshifter since birth, he is capable of assuming the form of a large raven, this form typically serving as his most preferred one unless commanded otherwise. As a side-effect of his shapeshifting ability, Ahzidal can communicate with ravens and command them to do his bidding; ranging from simply using them as spies or agents to even summoning an entire flock of them to attack his enemies. [i][b]Weapons:[/b][/i] Typically carries nothing aside from a black [url=http://666kb.com/i/cbdh9zrnwgzcgvsrq.jpg]dagger[/url] he keeps within the folds of his robes as a backup should he require a weapon. During typical battles in which martial skill is needed, however, Ahzidal will conjure a large, silver [url=http://p2.la-img.com/675/11080/2737395_1_l.jpg]sword[/url] that he wields to great effect. [i][b]Strengths:[/b][/i] Aside from his great skill in magic, Ahzidal is also a skilled duelist and fighter as well, trained extensively in the use of longswords and daggers. Combining magical ability with physical combat, Ahzidal is indeed a foe to be reckoned with. From a non-combative standpoint, Ahzidal is also an incredibly patient and cunning individual, performing his duties as a spy and assassin with a certain amount of grace and professionalism, his own lack of a heart granting him an almost inhuman amount of focus and willpower. Having all but destroyed his identity with no known family members, friends, former aliases, or connections, Ahzidal is known only by his fearsome and frightening reputation, making him nearly impossible to calculate or learn more about. On a final note, Ahzidal shows no fear, remorse, or pity in what is usually considered dangerous situations. His sense of self-preservation has almost completely deteriorated, leaving him an unpredictable, ruthless warrior with seemingly nothing to lose. [i][b]Weaknesses:[/b][/i] However, Ahzidal is not infallible or invulnerable, and has various weaknesses that serve as chinks in his armor. Firstly, his own free will is superficial in nature, as he only retains the ability of choice so long as the Evil Queen does not give him commands, which he must obey without question. He's been under her control for so long that he's physically unable to outright harm or otherwise attempt to kill her. Secondly, having lived without a heart for so long, Ahzidal's sense of pity and empathy have all but atrophied, leaving him a cold, pitiless assassin with no qualms as to who he kills, viewing concepts such as sympathy or compassion as pathetic and foolish. Thirdly, Ahzidal has no friends, acquaintances, or associates, rarely even leaving the Queen's Castle unless he has a task to accomplish. His reputation even amongst the Castle's guards is less-than-friendly, as many of them view him with fear, disdain, or wariness. Fourthly, Ahzidal's magic itself is highly limited, as an enchanted [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/e9/ee/d9/e9eed93f134414cda12d741620b95d8e.jpg]ring[/url] on his left hand prevents him from accessing much of his magical power unless he is on a mission or is otherwise given permission by the Queen. Lastly, Ahzidal's biggest, most dangerous weakness is his heart. Should one come into possession of it, they will be able to control or even kill him at a moment's notice; though he lacks the instinct to protect it himself, having lived so long as little more than a puppet. [hider=Relationships] Ahzidal's repute throughout The Enchantes Forest is one of frightened reverence and subtly veiled hatred, to the point where some citizens come to fear even the mere sight of a raven. As far as personal relationships go, Ahzidal has none aside from his physical relationship with Regina, which even then consists of more dutiful obedience than actual passion. [u]Rumpelstiltskin[/u] - [u]Regina Mills[/u] - [u]Kaeden Liddell[/u] - [u]Heather Jekyll[/u] - [u]Evelyn Hyde[/u] - [u]Belle[/u] - [u]Elizabeth Madden[/u] - [u]Mulan Wu[/u] - [u]The Sorcerer's Apprentice[/u] - [/hider] [i][b]Brief Bio:[/b][/i] Little is known of Ahzidal's past, as his very identity has become buried over the years, with rumor and conjecture filling in the holes. What little [i]is[/i] known, however, says that he was the son of a powerful witch who lived in the dense Wildes of The Enchanted Forest, and that is where he gained his magical aptitude. Some even say that he was not born a human, but is in fact a demonic spirit in human form, brought about by Witchcraft. Ahzidal's past does not matter either to himself or the populace, as he is always known as being an extension of the Queen's cruelty and power, bound to her divine will.[/color] [/center]