Neo nodded, the man was right. Though at first he figured he wont have to be in contact these people for long which allowed him to get out of his shell initially, it seemed they may have to fight for a long while so for the next he pulled on his mask as he felt better when no one knew who he was under it. "He's right, besides it helps deciding who should go on what mission, though I do think those that wish to just fight should go above ground and those that are more stealthy or less experienced should go on the rescue mission so we have two ways of going at this, anyway, Allow me to start this" he ignored the annoyed aura's from some impatient individuals of there were any. "these will all be based on organic powers and not techno added as technology tends to have its own weaknesses such as a battery, so yeah explain those when your up" he added. "Web shooting, Wall climbing, enhanced strength, speed, agility, Spider sense, slight enhanced healing, more durable body, While not a power Ill list it as well, Physic's nerd" Between each power he gave a chance for everyone to put their hands up, he did so himself when he had the power, then he waited till it was clear everyone had seen it before he continued. "Good, I am Neo-Spiderman, call me Neo seeing were allies, I dont know about enhanced durability and hope never to learn this, I am more oriented on speed and agility then strength, I dont have the enhanced healing but I do have a rapid clotting of wounds, even if my aorta is cut so I never bleed out, I can extend my nails into an ivory like substance claw, they can break, I am not a physics geek but I do have an small insight into making tech like spider tracers and a radio flare to alert cops where I have some dealers or robbers hanging, My main difference is likely instead of spider sense I have Aura sense, its an ability to let me sense others their aura, or live energy, I can pick up various stuff like Killing intent, annoyed people" he looked straight to those fitting that one "Emotions, if someone is lying and other stuff, it allows me to know when someone is going to attack me and the general body part used and of course just where people are, allowing me to move unnoticed from area to area, which makes me think I am fitted for the rescue mission, able to sense the Spidy when he gets in my range, a single aura which is likely scared or has an other emotion that fits should be easy to pick up in the sewers, plus I can sense when the Goblin scouts are coming" With that Neo stepped down, he was finished.