[@Rin Okumura] [center][h2][color=pink]Sally[/color] | [color=lightblue]Chime[/color] | [color=gold]Loki[/color][/h2] The music cut off as green and gold eyes turned to stare at The Sandman. Chime tilted her head as she stared at this newcomer with a blank face. She had never seen him before though she was able to tell that even if he looked human he was far from it. There was something...off...about him that signaled he wasn't the mortal he appeared. Loki stared at the man as well for a few moments. A grin then spread across his face as he gave a cheery wave. [color=gold]"Hello!"[/color] Sally gasped softly as a voice spoke up from further along and she shrunk back against the tree she was leaning against, freezing in place. She held very still, green eyes watching as a man stepped into the clearing and bowed at the two sitting on the rock. The child clenched Charlie closer to her chest, wondering if she should go before they found her.[/center]