[img]http://th03.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2012/200/6/c/ghsot_recon__future_soldier___kozak_by_darkapp-d57wlq5.jpg[/img] Name:Garret Wilhelm Age:28 Gender:Male Appearance:Underneath the helmet is pale golden hair that is closely cropped, his hazel eyes have a green tinting to them and they seem distant as if he is in another world. Equipment:1 H&K MP500 machine gun 1 APP-3 pistol 1 Data pad that feeds into the hud device over his eyes. 1 pair of HUD glasses that keep track of ammo count, help identify targets, and give live feeds to Tactical HQ and his employer. 1 Respirator for breathing on the surface. 4 stun grenades. spare magazines and pocket lint. Ability:Photographic Reflexes (Physical) -Abilities Strengths:He is able to see any physical move and copy it. So martial arts forms and moves he can learn it just by watching, this makes him the perfect soldier but despite this he isn't any faster and stronger than any peak physical human so he isn't a super soldier. -Abilities Weaknesses:His mind can only hold so much information so there are often gaps in his memory where he will forget things he also gets frequent migraines and headaches, also he is physically no better than any peak athlete and his ability prevents him from copying any physical abilities that would otherwise be impossible for humans. Personal Skills:Advanced martial arts skills, skilled with a weapon, engineering experience especially in robotics, combat experience. Personal Weaknesses:Post Traumatic stress from battle and from childhood, Anger and control issues, Alcoholism, and women who he sees as he has to go out of his way to protect. History:Garret grew up in South Africa on Earth, his father and mother were extremely neglectful and often ignored their child, it wasn't until a few warlords rose against the U.S.F in South Africa that his parents actually paid attention to their child and it was to often blame them for why they were broke and why things were hard to come by. Often this ended with a smack across the face from his mother and a hit or two from his father, things escalated from slaps to hits, from hits to kicks and then beatings often times ending in broken bones. By 14 years old the warlords milita, finally reached his part of the country and he left to join the rebels learning how to fight. Two years later the war ended and the sixteen year old Garret returned home the rebellion a failure and anyone who joined their cause as a war criminal so his final act as a rebel was to burn down his home and ensure his parents were within the flames as he burned them alive. Then he went on the run, his life on the lam led him to a mechanics shop and a friendly old mechanic whose son died a rebel so naturally he took the boy under his wing and taught him how to fix vehicles from there Garret remained with the older man as a mechanic hiding in plain sight. Shortly after his 18th birthday Garret joined the U.S.F base stationed in Africa and his skill as a mechanic quickly earned him a spot into the 212th Combat Engineering group, a group that was quickly thrust into fighting in Africa which had remained quite a hive of civil unrest even into these years. His job was to squash the occasional dissenting group and uprising that wanted to be free from U.S.F hands. This led to somewhat of a internal debate in the mind of Garret, who for the most part used to be one of them and now he was killing them. Finally he had enough of the fighting and after his 22nd birthday ended up returning home to the mechanics shop only to found the only man who had ever fathered him dead. Alone, scared and looking for a place in the world he walked out of the only place he called home. So he left Africa and ended up in the hands of the Lome Corporation who used his knowledge of a mechanic for their robotics program and his knowledge of combat to be used as a private contractor so they trained him. They transferred him to Mars and he did combat and mechanic work for Lome there until his ability manifested, there they took notice and they transferred him around a little before putting him in with their best and brightest soldiers and robots. His mission was to watch and train, maintain company property and interests, and plug up any leaks.