Name: Alex Taylor Age: 14 Gender: Male Appearance: (Description or picture allowed): Red Hair, wears a hat. Has a light color T-Shirt with a Red vest over it. Always wears Jeans and Sneakers when out. Starts Wearing Fingerless gloves after his time in the 12th Gunpla Battle Tournament. Average height for his age, so he'd be shorter than those who are older than him. Nationality: United States of America Backstory: Born in the West coast of America, Alex Taylor had been a fan of Gundam since he had watched his first Gundam Series, Gundam SEED. When he was 9, after watching the 7th Gunpla Battle Tournament on TV, he had wanted to become a Gunpla Fighter and Builder, but had no idea what his first model will be. However, the next year, he had lost his Mother and Father in an accident, just days after obtaining his first model kit, an AGE-1 Normal Gundam from the series Gundam AGE. He was then cared for by a family that was friends with his parents, the same family that has his closest friend (and possible Girlfriend) Jo. By his 14th birthday, without proper tools, he was able to finish constructing his own custom unit from his kit he had received from his parents, the Star AGE Gundam. Despite not being well put together like other builders, he was able to take that unit all the way to victory in the 12th Gunpla Battle Tournament. His victory my be in due to a little help from his unique 6th sense he had developed after his first ever Gunpla Battle. Though victorious in the tournament, due to many close battles, he felt that he had still much to learn, and wouldn't be well known due to the exploits of other builders and fighters like the famous Meiji Kawaguchi and Sei Iori (who weren't at the tournament (based off what i know so far) ). He accepted an inventation to Yajima Tradings summer program at Neilsen Labs hoping to learn how to become both a better builder and better fighter, and to meet many other builders and become friends and rivals, taking the Star AGE Gundam with him. He'll often write home about his time there to his friend/girlfriend (He hasn't say yet). Other information: Seeing the modified GAT-X105 Strike Gundam custom, Sei Iori's Build Strike Gundam, Alex feels any basic unit can have a strong potential if piloted and built right, hence why he pilots a custom AGE-1 Normal. He has a soft weak spot for pretty girls, but he doesn't let this get over him if he's battling them in Gunpla Battle. Also he states that his favorite female character in the gundam series is Lacus Clyne from Gundam SEED. Main Gunpla: St/AGE-1 Star AGE Gundam. Can add on equipment to become the St/AGE-1FGA Star AGE Gundam: Full Glansa Assault Scale: 1/144 HG + Scratch Based from: AGE-1 Normal and AGE-1G Glansa Equipment and Weapons: Star AGE Gundam: DODS Rifle, 2x Beam Sabers, Anti-Beam Shield, Forward Swept Wing flight pack, "Starlight" Program. Star AGE Gundam Full Glansa Assault: Twin Shield Rifles, DODS Rifle, Beam Rifle Ax, 2x Beam Sabers, Twin Glansa Launchers, Twin High Impulse Cannons, 6 Glansa Armor missile pods, Twin 3 missile pod launchers, Glansa Armor (can detach to form standard Star AGE Gundam), "Starlight" Program. If you have a picture, feel free to post it up. St/AGE-1 Star AGE Gundam [img][/img] St/AGE-1FGA Star AGE Gundam: Full Glansa Assault [img][/img] Other Gunpla: RX-79T [G] Terra Gundam Ground Type, New model planned later in RP