Name: Kasumi Arashi Age: 15 Gender: Female Appearance: (Description or picture allowed) She has long orange hair (shame shade as Alex's) that goes down to about her waist and wears a Cherry Blossom clip near her ear. Usually in public, she wears a sleeveless shirt in a light pink color and wears a white skirt, at a good length to run in and sneakers. But when she's gonna be involved in Gunpla Battle, she wears a Kimono, similar to Nils Nielson, but pink on the bottom part instead of light blue. Nationality: Kyushu, Japan Backstory: The Arashi family is one that began in Feudal times in Japan and has held onto its traditions of honor for centuries. Her home being a dojo, Kasumi had been training in Kendo since she was little. Though Kasumi respects her family's tradition and honor, she has always been interested in the culture of other nations. How she got into Gunpla and Gundam was with a little thanks to her younger brother, Kōji. Asking his older sister to bring her to a hobby shop in the town, she witness a Gunpla battle in the shop. Witnessing the beauty of the Plavsky Particles and the movements of the plastic models, she became interested. Her brother convinced that she could make a unit that could be like the family's Kendo ways. Though she's only really new to the whole Gundam Series, it took her just two year to gain a reputation in her area with her unit, the AKM-MP02 Sakura Astray. Despite wining a recent regional tournament, having seen some videos related to past Gunpla Battle World Tournaments, she felt she needed more training if she were to be on par with the world players. Fortunately, she applied and got accepted to Nielsen Labs Summer academy. Kasumi is very respectful to others and tries not to be involved in personal fights or struggles. She's very kind hearted and caring. Other information: Main Gunpla: AKM-MP02 Sakura Astray Gundam. Scale: 1/144 HG + Scratch Based from: MMF-JG73L ∇ (Head unit, Shoulders, and Feet), MBF-M1 Astray (Arms, Legs, Chest) Equipment and Weapons: 75mm Multi-Barrel CIWS installed in the chest, Japanese War Fans for Tessenjutsu, "Arashi Gerbera Straight" Katana, Astray Flight pack.