[color=ed145b][center][h2]☆ Deborah Wright ☆[/h2][/center][/color] Only seconds after Deborah had stepped into the classroom, chaos ensued. Some girl, smaller than Debs herself, rushed into the classroom, marched over to the teacher's desk and started smashing her head into the table. Debs raised an eyebrow. Well, she tried to raise an eyebrow, but she ended up raising both eyebrows instead. [color=ed145b]"And I thought I was having a bad day,"[/color] Debs muttered under her breath as she watched a dark-haired boy having to pry Head-Smashing Girl off the desk and sat her down in a nearby chair. Well, at least she'd knew one person here was sensible. [color=a187be]"Haha! So, never expected to find you of all people here Victoria!"[/color] [color=ed145b]"Huh?"[/color] Deborah turned her head slightly to see a rather loud red-haired girl questioning... Victoria Harris? As in queen bee, super-pretty, butter-wouldn't-melt-in-her-mouth Victoria Harris? Oh great. Had Debs fallen asleep again without noticing? This has to be another dream. Debs pinched her forearm, and was shocked with how painful it was. [color=a187be]"So, what's the resident queen bee of Edison high doing here? You're joining SPIRIT, aren't you? I'm sure your lovely fans would love to know why you, little miss perfect is joining this club, hmm? I mean...you don't really believe in ghosts and stuff, do you?"[/color] loud-mouth girl continued grilling Victoria, and Debs couldn't help wonder the same thing. She didn't know Victoria that well. Heck, she didn't even thing they had been in near the vicinity of the girl before, but Debs had heard enough gossip from her classmates to know that Victoria Harris didn't belong in a club like this. So why was she here? Well, Debs didn't know that. What she did know is that Victoria obviously wasn't entirely comfortable with talking to Miss Nosey, and Debs felt a little sorry for her. It must be hard always being in the spotlight, everyone recognising you wherever you went, and Debs was once again thankful that she herself was a loner, an unknown. She could do whatever she pleased and no one could really judge her. Not anymore than they already did anyway. Just as Debs considered trying to intervene and try to come to Victoria's rescue - though she doubted the blonde would really appreciate being helped by one of the school 'losers' - the dark-haired boy approached. [color=fff79a]“Sorry to interrupt. I’m Andy Anderson, club president. Great to meet you all. You’re here for the S.P.I.R.I.T. club, right? Why don’t you come on in?”[/color] he said, ushering them into the classroom. Oh, so [i]this[/i] was the mysterious club leader? Debs didn't know him personally - she didn't really know anyone here personally - but she did recall seeing him a couple of times here and there, though she'd never known what his name was. Once again, she had to applaud how calm he was, despite the fact that starting up this club was pretty much like opening up a Pandora's Box of chaos. [color=fff79a]“You should probably stop with the pen-clicking, to prevent further, ah… injuries,"[/color] Andy continued, addressing Red. As he spoke, he nodded towards Head-Bashing Girl. As the group started to head into the classroom, however, Red didn't take the hint. "Ooh? Sorrry. Bad habit, helps me think, and focus, is all," she said. Despite her words, however, she had already resumed clicking her pen. Debs already didn't like this girl, and kind of wished she had stepped in and punched her in the face while she was bothering Victoria. Although, to her credit, Victoria didn't seem to need intervention. [color=f7976a]"Hello Sidney! How are you doing? I haven't talked to you for ages but it seems you know what I've been up to. I'd appreciate it you didn't use my pictures in any newspaper, blogs, or wherever else you post your stories. My father would extremely be against that, and well, you know my dad. Anyway, I guess I better go inside. It was nice seeing you!"[/color] Seemed Tori was going the Buddha route and turning the other cheek. Well, she definitely earned at least five respect points from Debs, but then again, when you're the centre of attention most of the time, you're probably master of public persona. Upon entering the class, Debs immediately picked a chair out and slumped down into it with a relieved sigh. She leaned back in her seat and put her arms at the back of her head, feeling strangely relaxed now she wasn't standing about idly. [color=ed145b]"So, is this everyone?"[/color] Debs asked, looking over at Andy. [color=ed145b]"We can't be waiting for anyone els-"[/color] [color=6ecff6]“Calm yourselves, ladies…”[/color] Oh no. [color=6ecff6]“Brody Cunningham has arrived. Fashionably late, of course.”[/color] Debs' relaxed pose came to an abrupt end and she buried her face in her hands. [color=ed145b]"Dear God, please kill me now,"[/color] she groaned. What was this douche-bag doing here? Unlike Tori, she had met Brody Cunningham, albeit briefly, and she'd quickly deduced that the boy was totally in love with himself. The world may have revolved around Victoria, but to Brody, [i]he[/i] was the centre of the universe, and Debs couldn't stand people like that. Debs pinched herself again just to make sure she wasn't trapped in a nightmare, but once again, the pain told her she was fully awake. [color=ed145b]'Now [i]I[/i] want to smash my head against the teacher's desk,'[/color] Debs thought to herself.