Oh, wow! I didn't expect so many people to drop in like this! Welcome, everyone, and thank you! I'm really looking forward to this~ Now, enough gushing. I have work to do. I'm going to begin fleshing out orders within the Irriss. If anyone has suggestions or wants to throw some ideas out there; feel free to PM me, or start a discussion right up in here. [hider=Today's Priorities]Foremost; I am going to finish the descriptions for Eldra and Viaak. Next up; The Fettered Knights are going to get a detailing. The Attenian Veil Knights (new concept) will be introduced and detailed. The Demense will be expanded on, a little. Might also add a 'Today's Priorities' section to the opening post, to let people know what's on my agenda.[/hider] Also, [@Bunnita], I agree completely about skipping awkward introductions/group building. For the sake of fluidity and ease, I think it'd be best to have this group have functioned together for some time; having completed several assignments and the like as a unit.