WIP Party [center] Party Name: The Atlas Party Party Acronym: Party Motto: To each his own Party Logo:[img]http://cdn2-b.examiner.com/sites/default/files/styles/image_content_width/hash/ae/f1/1330612994_atlasshruggedmovielogo.jpg?itok=KQ2PXSd9[/img] Party Ideology: Libertarian/Objectivist -Government Involvement: The Atlas Party Perfers the Government to have little or no involvement in both the social and economic aspects of life. Believing that having the government meddle in the lives of the people only adjitats and angers them. -Economy: The Atlas Party believes in a Laize-Faire Capitalist system where there is little to no government involvment in the free market system. Due to the nationalization of a bulk of industries by the previous government the Atlas party plans to quickly ret con those policies reverting back to a mainly privatized economy. -Taxes:As for taxes the Atlas party believes that it is blatantly stealing from the people. although it does admit that taxes are needed to some extent most atlas party members are wary to raise any taxes. -Military: The Atlas Party supports a Large albeit isolationist military to help defend and protect both its people and their foreign interests. -Environment: Most Atlas party members acknowledge the need to conserve the Environment in hopes of preserving it for future generations. While they do see the environment as a resource for industry they also try their hardest to maximize Enviromental Protection without hurting industry. -Citizen Rights: To the Atlas party The rights of man are penultimate when it comes to the organization of a government. Liking to have clearly stated and unbending civil and political rights. -Education: The Atlas party are fervent supporters of a Privatized schooling system encouraging specialized trade school which they believe are much more effective at preparing the children for life as a adult than a general school system. -Health-Care: To The atlas party one of their biggest fears/concerns is the socialization of The healthcare industry perferring it to be kept privatized in order to maintain -Emergency Services: -Immigration: The Atlas Parties views of legal Immigration are quite welcoming seeing the UTC as the land of oppertunity and also gives the nation a cheap and easily hired work force from which capitalists and businesses can find a hardy work force. -Other: WIP MP MP Name: Andrew O'Rian MP Appearance: MPs Party: Atlas Party MPs Position in his/her Party: Party Leader Home Territory: North Eastern UTC [/center]