[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/dWb7qpv.png?1[/img] [h1][color=olivedrab]KNOX[/color][/h1] A friendly, but reclusive Mothman. Bounding with optimism and goodwill, he's a loyal friend to the end. If only he could properly talk to someone. An ever enthusiastic part of the Voldoa Mail Delivery service. Can usually be seen sailing over Voldoa, enjoying the open air. Comes from a long line of Mothmen and Mothwomen of different shapes and sizes, a family which revels in its tightly-knit bonds and are not afraid to display their loyalty to all.[/center] [hr] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/q7ZWoRG.png[/img] [url=http://i.imgur.com/gPlyOT0.jpg]And his True Face...[/url] [h1][color=royalblue]BALDWIN[/color][/h1] A fairly sly creature known as a Bergkonge. Known for his nonchalant demeanour and his tongue of silver, hearkening back in his glory days of terror and seduction. He's since traded his cloak of leaves for a pressed suit and tie. Known for his short fuse on the subjects of Fifty-Eighters and violence against non-humans. Now, he acts as a Hand of the Engineers, addressing the issues that confront the citizens of Voldoa by being an advocate for the unrepresented Non-Humans, doing what he does best to bridge the gap between Human and Nonhuman non-violently. Sweet talking and negotiating. [/center] [hr] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/qv37KLS.jpg[/img] [h1][color=plum]JACQUELINE DURANT[/color][/h1] A quiet young woman originating from outside Voldoa. Jacqueline is not known for her outspoken nature, or her speech at all. Taught during her younger years that to stay quiet was to stay behaved, her manners border on saintly. She seems to come from lower birth, having no possessions or property besides a dirty, hooded cloth robe and a few trinkets of personal importance. She spent most of her life from a young age as an Anchoress, and as a result knows almost nothing of the world. She has some skills gained from performing hour upon hour of gruelling chores, as any sister would, but overall she is no artisan. They are hardly enough for her to base a business or a service off. Her moving to Voldoa was a move of necessity, sped by desperation and as a result she has no home. She appears to be one of the faithful, judging by her simple dress and strict self-regimented prayer and meditation habits. [/center]