JAMES/FURBACK [img] http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/256/b/3/saliout_28_small_corvette_by_dmitryep18-d6m4u9i.jpg[/img] Before Ramia could answer James who wanted to leave quickly said." Glad you could make it if you store that suit please i can finaly start telling our objective". After that he went into his ship the other two walking behind him and into the cargo bay slash lounge where Artyem was waiting for them he gestures the others to take a seat and then sits on an box himself and starts talking. "Well im gonna try to keep it short since i want off this rock as fast as possible so let me just say this. you all know why your here to run from something for revenge or to get rich. And if you are here for that last reason you and me are gonna become great palls." he laughs." Since i have a few friends in high places i have been able to get a few jobs for us. one of wich we will be traveling to right now." He stands up and pushes a few buttons and in the middle of the room a small hologram starts flickering on. It shows the sector where they are right now." As you can see we are in the titos system and we need to get to risa. Our mission will be to find the missing ship the Defiance." The hologram starts to flicker again this time turning into a giant battleship." This big sucker went missing a few months ago in the ariley system. They have already tried to search for it but failed. So they have contaced me for help. The only reason they want it found again is because its a prototype. Oh almost forgot". He reaches into his pocket and reveals a handfull of little microphones. He hands everyone one. " Try not to lose them please they did cost me 60 credits". after that he takes a seat on one of the crates and says. "Any questions?"