[center][b][color=fff79a][h2][img]http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/313/c/b/ezimba__6__by_viveve-d6touz9.gif[/img] Andy Anderson [img]http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/313/c/b/ezimba__6__by_viveve-d6touz9.gif[/img][/h2][/color][/b][/center] There are three things that are important to know about Andy Anderson before we continue too far along with this chronicle. The first of these things was this. Despite the fact that his parents were somewhat eccentric and saw no problem with expressing frequently to him that they wished he had been a girl so that they could have named him ‘Angie’, Andy Anderson was in fact a healthy teenaged boy. The second of these things was that there was basically nothing in this world that Andy liked more than the supernatural and the paranormal. Sure, he was a bit of a nerd, and rather enjoyed studying. Sure, baseball was plenty fun, as long as no one was expecting him to actually catch the ball at any point in time. But those things didn’t hold a candle to a good ghost story, or a few hours spent researching the haunted bathroom on the second floor. The third of these things was that while nothing could overshadow Andy’s affection for the occult… there was one thing that perhaps came close. And that was the fact that Andy Anderson was, in fact, a sucker for a good-looking, well-crafted watch. And why, pray tell, was this important? Well, you’ll see soon enough. [color=f6989d]"Thank you, Andy. I'll come in just a second,” [/color]said Victoria, and turned to Sidney. [color=f6989d]"Hello Sidney! How are you doing? I haven't talked to you for ages but it seems you know what I've been up to. I'd appreciate it you didn't use my pictures in any newspaper, blogs, or wherever else you post your stories. My father would extremely be against that, and well, you know my dad. Anyway, I guess I better go inside. It was nice seeing you!"[/color] Well, Victoria certainly seemed pleasant. She smiled at him as he ushered people into the room, finding a seat fairly quickly. Sidney sat herself down next to the other girl, clicking her pen all the while. Perhaps the two were friends? Andy adjusted his glasses. Victoria’s reputation as the most popular girl in the school certainly didn’t seem unwarranted. The kid with the long purple hair –-seriously, what was his name?— picked himself off the floor. [color=0072bc]"Ugh, can you please be a bit more patient next time, please? I honestly don't know what's so special about this Victoria chick, or any of this bee stuff,”[/color] he said. [color=0072bc]“But I'm sure you could of waited instead of shoving me out of the way. I don't think any of us are in a rush to go anywhere. Also missy with the black-hair, no need to apologize as it isn't your fault. Lost my balance, that's all... Anyways…” [/color] He sounded a little agitated. Was he okay? It was important for Andy to keep tabs on the mental conditions of his club members, after all. To be fair, though, he had just been tripped. And bumped into. [color=0054a6]“Hey, Sidney? That's your name, right? Maybe you co-"[/color] And then he tripped again. Andy winced in sympathy. [color=ed145b]"So, is this everyone?"[/color] said Short Girl One. She’d made her way to a seat and slumped into it. [color=ed145b]"We can't be waiting for anyone els-" [/color] And that, of course, was when Brody Cunningham made his big entrance. [color=6ecff6]“Calm yourselves, ladies…”[/color] He seemed to be… striking a pose? And a very fancy pose it was, too. Like a model… he was certainly good-looking enough to be one. Crossed legs, head turned to the side, one shoulder slightly raised— Woah. That was a [i]nice[/i] watch. Shiny and elegant— everything a watch was supposed to be. Andy didn’t have much of a sense of fashion (he wore jeans and a t-shirt everyday, of course he didn’t), but he knew his watches. And yes. That was, in fact, a nice watch. The gold was a little bit too flashy for his own tastes, though. Andy preferred silver himself. But— There was a train of thought lying in wait for him here that he was [i]definitely[/i] not about to pursue. [color=fff79a]Nope nope nope nope. Stay professional, Andy. You can do it.[/color] He glanced away, cheeks coloring a little, and checked at his own watch, which happened to be silver, classily understated and functional. 3:32 PM. [color=6ecff6]“Brody Cunningham has arrived. Fashionably late, of course.”[/color] Well, fair enough. He [i]was[/i] late. Not as late as some other people, though. In the future, he’d have to be on time… but Andy would let it slide for the first meeting. Yeah. [color=ed145b]"Dear God, please kill me now,"[/color] said Short Girl One. Andy looked over at her, startled. Surely she didn’t mean that. [color=a187be]"Well hello to you too, Brody."[/color] Sidney stifled a giggle. "Making a fabulous entrance as always. Didn't expect to see you here! or Victoria here for that matter~" Androdygnous tall dude --because that was definitely a male voice, now that Andy thought about it-- picked himself up off the floor. He was blushing. And sounded… a little upset. [color=0054a6]"Anyways, before I was cut off due to me tripping... mind if I borrow that pen since your not really using it for anything right now? Plus, could you leave Tori alone as its obvious she doesn't want the paparazzi bothering her. Could you please save your questions for when she's in the mood?"[/color] Andy cleared his throat, and smiled at his club. It looked like a lot of them already knew each other. And they certainly seemed like a good group of people. Maybe not the group he’d expected, but… [color=fff79a]“Okay, guys, settle down,”[/color] he said, raising his voice a little. [color=fff79a]“Why don’t we get started? Make yourselves comfortable, and we’ll go around the room and introduce ourselves. But first… I’m Andy Anderson, a junior. Welcome to S.P.I.R.I.T! As a club, we’re going to be investigating paranormal and supernatural activity throughout Sandalwood.”[/color] They were still missing two of the people who’d signed up --Raul and, uh… Blair?— but they couldn’t wait forever. [color=fff79a]“So, what are we doing today?”[/color] he continued, suddenly feeling particularly enthusiastic. He always did like talking about his area of expertise. [color=fff79a]“Well, I’m sure you’ve all heard about the rash of disappearances at our very own school. Nathan Duarte disappeared in January. Julia Parker, in April. And Melissa Franklin, just a few weeks ago. All of them vanished on the second floor. And what happens to be on the second floor?”[/color] He paused. [color=fff79a]“The haunted girls’ bathroom, right? We’ve all heard the rumors. A girl committed suicide in there eleven years ago, and ever since then, it’s been out of order. No one goes in there. And [i]that’s[/i] where we’re going to check out for our first case.”[/color] That was a pretty good introduction, wasn’t it…? He hoped it was. Andy clapped his hands, smiling brightly. [color=fff79a]“Anyway, why don’t we go around and introduce ourselves now?”[/color]