"I'm not quite sure about the goblinoid, but... The Caiwas... Its presence with our group is most welcome indeed, this will give me ample time to study its physiology up close. Oh so many things to examine and report about, I should probably draw us up a schedule to make sure we..." Yes, R'Lyeh ever the researcher. It may have been slightly off-putting for someone just joining the adventuring party to be seen as some sort of specimen to most likely conduct painful and excruciating experiments upon. But that was the norm for the S'Augwin, a new discovery was to be studied ad nauseum. Some time later, with much hobbling and probably an observational note to observe the flora they pass along the way back to the town. R'Lyeh had managed to remove the current spearhead he had and replaced the metal point newly forged after some tricky fitting. Polearm design was an educational activity taught to every S'Augwin as they where the best weapons to use effectively on land and sea. The Aerodynamics in the water made it difficult to swing a sword, but thrusting and piercings actions would be less affected. "Okay then, where do we go from here? I cannot return to Aug'Toor until I have recovered my tablets, they'd pull my funding if I did."