[h3][indent]DAY 1[/indent][/h3] Within an hour after dawn, you find yourself traversing the common path through the woodlands just outside of Salem. The sun beats heavy on your shoulders through a clear sky on your way to the lumber yard to request your yearly supply of firewood. Luc Boivier, the local lumberjack, had announced that he would be ready for orders today. The woods seem strangely quiet and devoid of life, but you decide it must be the traffic that is surely passing through this area today. You are surprised to find that most of the town is just gathering in front of Luc's home. You grimace at the thought of a long wait in line with the day's heat, until you realize that you won't be getting your firewood from Luc today. The lumberjack lay slumped against his front door, his own favourite splitting axe now splitting his skull in twain. Dry, crusty blood cakes his face, and his left eye hangs limply out of its socket. The normally flush and healthy skin on his chest and shoulders is now pale, tinged blue like a gutted fish. He is in his smallclothes - Luc met his fate in the dark of the night. The townsfolk gather around the scene, a single question in the forefront of their minds. Who did this? ([b]Luc Boivier[/b], the [b]villager[/b], has died!) (It is day. You can decide amongst yourselves to hang the likely killer, or take no action and wait for night to fall.)