[i]Careful... careful...[/i] Drew Callaghan slowly etched in a rune onto a small slab of cobblestone. This was going to be something of a general purpose rune, something he could quickly apply and leave. It was going well so far; the base of the rune was clean-cut, and the three curving lines he had drawn on the outside were mirrored perfectly. All he needed now was the runes for holding and trapping, and it would be ready to hold any of a number of spells Drew could think of. A couple more lines, and... [b]“Critical information has been acquired! Report to the meeting room!”[/b] Callaghan's wand twitched in surprise, and his Diffindo spell suddenly went haywire, blowing clean through the stone and cutting a large gouge into the runes. Stunned, Drew watched as his last hour of work suddenly became a useless hunk of stone. Huffing in annoyance, he chucked the stone into the nearby bin. It clattered, and knocked some loose paper from the top of the full trash can. Drew sighed. He would need to vanish it later or throw it out, and he knew he was rubbish at something even as simple as vanishment. Casting his thoughts aside as well, he tucked his wand into its holster and exited the room he had been working in. Stretching from being hunched over for so long, Callaghan heard the call from Ronan repeat. [b]“Critical information has been acquired! Report to the meeting room!”[/b] Sighing again, Drew walked to the meeting room, his mind clawing with annoyance and disappointment at the lost work. Five minutes later, Drew entered the room, and took the first empty seat in the front he could find, which put him next to Alora and Kyle. "Morning," he intoned, taking his seat. He felt little else needed to be said. After all, what else mattered after he buggered up [i]yet another damn rune-[/i] Callaghan sighed yet again, calming himself down. No need to get worked up. Idly wondering what the announcement was, he waited for the rest of the Ashes to arrive.