[color=6ecff6][center] [IMG]http://i57.tinypic.com/11j2osy.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]~The Nova Academy for Supernaturals~[/u][/b][/center][/color] [hr] [color=fdc68a] The sun rose slowly over the horizon, its rays squeezing through the cracks of windows and bending around buildings of the city. On the far side of the awakening city, there laid an academy for those that possessed unique abilities. Some of the earliest of applicants stood in the outer courtyard already, way before the opening of the beginning of the new 'school year'. Barely any administrators or staff had even arrived yet, but all would commence at 8:00. It was a new year with new faces, seeing that old applicants had already passed their courses and moved on. The sun rose steadily, waking many others, but one thing was for certain.[/color] [center][color=ed1c37]This year is the year of new beginnings... [i]and endings[/i][/color][/center] [hr] [hr] [color=7ea7d8] Kyle, groaned softly, rolling over onto his side, slinging his arm over his face. He sighed, trying to slip back to sleep, but the alarm clock on the table next to the bed decided otherwise. It shrieked and called, almost desperately yelling at him to get up, which was quickly silenced by a hand smacking the [i]OFF[/i] button. Kyle sat up slowly, yawning exhaustedly, and he looked around. "Well, guess I better get ready." he muttered. Kura heard his brother moving in the bed across from his, but he didn't move. Sure, they had to wake up early, but Kura wasn't happy about it. Mornings weren't his thing. His own alarm started blaring and he groaned in protest, swinging his arm over and smacking the alarm, smiling slightly as he heard it shut up. His eyes cracked open a bit and he yawned. "Ugh. What time is it..?" he muttered to himself, sitting up tiredly.[/color] [color=0054a6](I know this is lengthy, but I had to for a first post xD)[/color]