[quote=@Silverwind Blade] I just watched this video on my lunch-break at work. Makes me wish [url=http://foxtrotalpha.jalopnik.com/this-video-will-leave-you-begging-the-usaf-to-keep-the-1703292861]my character was piloting an A-10[/url]. It also makes me want to run a game with all the characters piloting the same type of aircraft too, though no-one would ever go for that ¬.¬ [/quote] Phantoms Phorever, although I still hold a spot for the local mud-hens. -Some reason, the Peruvians refer to the A-37 as the "little frog[foot]". Also, I was planning on checking on Kat's allergic reaction to her vaccination, maybe a quick soak in the hot-tub since the island beach-resort isn't an option.