[color=thistle]"OJII-SAN!!!!!, WHERE ARE YOU, OJII-SAN!!!!?"[/color] [color=00FF21]"Hanako!!!"[/color] yelled the old man, as he tried to figure out where Hanako was from. [color=brown]“Well, ain’t that good for you, Ojii-san?”[/color] said the kid, that Ojiisan had pushed a little while ago, and the kid gave a warm-hearted smile and nodded in a direction. Ojiisan guessing that was the way Hanako was. So Ojiisan started heading towards that way. Then he seen Hanako with two kids that about the same age as the kid that he bump into. The girl looked back at Hanako and asked, [color=Yellow]"Is this your Ojii-san, Hana?"[/color] After the girl asked that question Hanako cried out, [color=thistle]"OJII-SAN!"[/color], and ran and jumped at Ojiisan. He caught her and held on to her tightly. [color=00FF21]"Thank goodness I'm so happy that I was able to find you,"[/color] said the old man as he started to tear up. After a while, Hanako stopped crying and turned towards the kids that were with her. [color=thistle]"Arigatou, Nagayama-nee-san, Jax-nii-san. Arigatou!"[/color] YukiHana continued to cling to Ojii-san. The old man bowed, while still holding on to Hanako, to the two kids that were with Hanako [color=00FF21]"Thank you for helping my granddaughter."[/color] Then he bowed to the kid he bumped into, [color=00FF21]"Thank you for your help,"[/color] said the old man gratefully. [@Little_ninja][@Stale Pizza][@Animus][@Eklispe]