Edgar Delano & Lily Quarin Loom-Acadamy- Noon Lily sat at her desk. Her fingers click clacked against the keyboard and the letters darted across the computer screen, her eyes relaxed and expression unreadable during her work. Over all her image was that of a sexy, hard working principle tapping away at her recent project. The spacious office surrounding her and looking elegant enough with personal touch, the only out of place object was the violin rested upon its pedal stool. It called to Lily while her spine rested against the stiff chair back and resisted the urge to summon it into her itching fingers, her work more important. Her fingers stopped as she leaned back, the siren listened to the chair protest with a loud creak. Gently, her trimmed finger nails traced through her bangs and pushed them out of her eyes. The causally loose, fiery red hair was tightly bind in a bun, pinned to her head in a professional manner while her eyes shifted to the violin for what felt like the hundredth time. She swallowed down the desire to play burning in her soul. It had been weeks since she picked the instrument and a part of her felt unsettling numb because of it, like something was missing, making her push herself beyond expected limits. A saying, older than time itself, echoed in her head. 'All work and no play, makes Jack a very dull boy' causing her lips to pull into a faintly mused smile. Looking down at herself, she couldn't help but realize the pronoun fit her far better than in the past. From the tightly fitted, gray pencil tight skirt to the ruffled dress blouse, she certainly belonged here. Her thoughts were interrupted when a voice buzzed on her phone. She hit the answer button and spoke, [color=PaleVioletRed]"Yes?"[/color] "A Mr. Delano is here for evaluation, Mrs. Quarin." [color=PaleVioletRed]"Send him in and thank you, Clara."[/color] Lily replied promptly as she put her computer to sleep, her head turned to face the student coming in. Edgar Delano shuffled into the office, still looking dazed from being in the school. It was a whole other world from what he was used to. He almost wanted to just go back to working. He awkwardly looked around, before noticing the principal infront of him. She was not bad looking. Edgar fidgeted with his hat, which he still had refused to take off, with his similarly not-taken-off-gloves. [color=a36209]“Howdy darlin’. You must be the principal or something. I thought you’d be an old grandma, but I can hardly take my eyes off’a ya. So…. what am I doin’ here again? Heard ya wanted to meet with me, some sort of evaluationing or something.”[/color] Edgar, for all his hard work, was not the brightest tool in the shed. Then again, he had never pretended to be. He felt extremely out of place, and that made him even more nervous and feel out of place. He felt like a deer in the headlights, or something. He honestly did not remember ever being in school. Lily watch the slightly roughly dressed individual enter. Her calm eyes, one green and other red, pinned his image into her mental file for later like many others. On first glance over he appeared like any normal, average working young man in Loom though she recalled Clara's notes and mentions about his inherited ability. So it was little surprise he found himself here. In the Academy, most students were musicians and chose willingly to take on the responsibility and risks to retain peace in the world even when all of them weren't up to the task's challenges. However magic had many facets and humans, as well as the occasionally turned demon or isolated angel, some times found themselves here as well. Rarely any who was naturally gifted in tapping into this area were ever turned away. The siren rose to her feet and gently held out her hand for the man to shake, greeting him formally. [color=PaleVioletRed]"Yes Mr. Delano, and my name is Mrs. Quarin. Pleasure to meet your acquaintance and if you wouldn't mind having a seat, we can get started with filling out your school recorders and settling you in officially." [/color] Once her hand was freed, she gestured to the chair sitting directly in front of her desk before she herself took her own seat. [color=PaleVioletRed]"Now, you mentioned Clara, my secretary outside your magic can 'harden and soften' substances which makes me aware you have experienced this? Namely as in practicing it?, correct?"[/color] As her hand came to meet his, Edgar went to return it, before noticing the state of his gloves, and he quickly removed it, before returning the shake, putting it back on as he took a seat. His hands were filled by callouses. (How the hell do I spell that? Better?) [color=a36209]“Well, it’s nice to meet’cha Mrs. Quarin. Someone’s gotta be lucky for you to be Mrs. So the gal’s name out there’s Clara, nice to know. Kinda weird not knowing anyone’s name. Ain’t sure I’m gunna fit in so well, but guess I gotta. My boss, Tony, fired me and told me to get my ass over here. I kinda saved his ass the day before. I made my clothes hard and jumped infront of a beam, stopped it from crushin’im like a bug. I dun my magic ‘fore, but seems like whenever I do it, makes me forget stuff. Ain’t so bad when I do on my own clothes, guess cause I dun it so much. I reckon’ I could probably punch steel with my gloves and not be too bad off. Not sure why I’d wanna though. . I kinda don’t like doing anything else but my clothes. This new getup’s gunna take some gettin’ used to. ” [/color] To be honest, Edgar was a downright scared of using his ‘magic’ on anything more than his clothes. He was afraid he wouldn’t remember anything if he did it too much. He really wasn’t even sure what the magic was. He just knew he could do it, and he’d played with it. Kinda felt like putting a piece of him in whatever he was playing with, but that just didn’t sound right. Then again, what he did didn’t sound right either. [color=a36209]“So…. Mrs. Quarin, I know ya’re the principal and all that, but I dun know alot of anything. What’s with this ‘magic’? I wanna know why I forget stuff doin’ it. I don’t wanna forget anything else.”[/color] Lily folded her hands and interlaced her fingers, listening to the man’s words collaborate with her suspicions of what Clara said. She nodded and felt a hint of sympathy towards to the human if her theory was correct. It also meant if he hadn’t came here sooner, the damage would’ve been much worse and likely upped the danger in the situation. Not just for him, but others as well. [color=PaleVioletRed]“Yes, I got married around the 22 year war that Judas wrought against angels, demons, chimeras and their allies. And thank you. Now, back to focus on you. I can imagine how scared you might be by all this. From your magic to your misfortune at losing your job, but I’m fairly certain I know you’ve come to the right place to help you. Humans, unlike demons, chimera, or angels, who are able to tap into magic usually do so at a price. For some it’s blood, hair or something physical. In your case, it seems to be memories.” [/color] She paused letting the words sink in for a moment, before continuing onward. [color=PaleVioletRed]“I believe with practice and time, those memories can recover after a set time. Though in order to gain strength you would have to practice repeatedly and find your limit, namely so you don’t push past it. There are also several well experienced and trained teachers familiar with the aspects of magic which could help you discover a way to cope with your memory lost. However, allowing it to just exist without further training could possibly risk your health as well as your safety in the long term. Most students learn to control their magic and either leave to go on with normal lives while others decide to work alongside the musicians, namely to help keep order and peace. Does any of the information I’ve spoken put you at ease some?” [/color] Edgar blinked as a response, he’d gotten most of it though. Lots of terms he wasn’t familiar with and hadn’t heard too much other than in passing. He almost wanted to kick himself for not caring about things like chimeras or magic, or…. the hell was a musician? [color=a36209]“Think I got it. So my lil’ ol’ trick cost me my memories… You think I can really get them back?” [/color] That part made him feel oddly ecstatic, he’d never thought of the possibility that he would get them back, he’d just been living everyday one step at a time. A bit afraid of losing it all, but never thinking he’d have the chance to get everything back. Even if he could just control it so he wouldn’t lose everything, that would be great. Then he could…. then he could do what? He just worked because it kept him busy. He’d never really thought what he wanted to do with life. He didn’t know what the musicians were, or this whole thing about order and peace, but it sounded cool enough, especially if people like him where there. [color=PaleVioletRed]“I can’t say for sure, Mr. Delano but we’ve encountered some unique and unusual magics here at the Academy. Many we’ve helped to live better lives. Lives without fear and pain over their natural gift. All we can do is hope for the best and take it one day at a time.”[/color] Lily admitted, being fully truthful with the man. She wished she could say or do more, but empty promises were useless to those seeking hope. [color=a36209] “A’ight...a’ight. Well I think I can do that. Don’t know who these musicians are, or ‘bout peace and order, but I like to lend a hand around. Sure, I pass this place, I just might stay, don’t got nothin’ better to do. Hell, I might fit in after all. By the way, Mrs. Quarin, mind if I take a picture with’chu? Ain’t so steady on the memories, but the camera never lies.” [/color] [color=PaleVioletRed]“Musicians are students who have willingly chosen to wield fragments, pieces of the Essence named Hazumi. It’s an important task but extremely dangerous as they will be living alongside another voice or essence that can possibly take over if they aren’t careful. Many never realize it until it is too late or end up dying in the line of duty.”[/color] Lily looked remorseful as her mind listed the fallen in her head. Hazumi might’ve kept a wall of the dead, but she remembered them less like KIA soldiers and more like students they were to her. She leaned back into the chair and smiled, replying gently. [color=PaleVioletRed]“ Very well, but I can’t promise how it will turn out. Often been told a picture of myself isn’t as good as meeting in person after all.”[/color]