[quote=@Jig] Since we have nineteen qatrillion characters, I'm gonna do a role-call to make sure everybody is still here. Can't possibly keep track of you all in my tiny pea-brain, so I'm just gonna tag all your names and if you could quote me in here (so I don't miss your post), that'd be swell. [s][@Jig][/s] - definitely here! [s][@McHaggis][/s] - I should really hope so [@Pirouette] [s][@xCRAZYxFACEx][/s] [s][@Kirah][/s] - should also really hope so [@Ghost Shadow] [@Shadowcatcher] [@Tunks] [s][@kittyluna45][/s] [@TheMaster99] [@Phloem] [@rawkhawk64] [/quote] Nope totally not here *sarcasm*