I am nothing if not a bounty to my people. While attempting to write the semi-informed jargon of my post, I tried to contrive some type of metaphor of the like to explain how Hundred 'hacks' perhaps in comparison to her fellow keyboard cowboys and an amusing thought occurred to me. I think that Hundred and Marga and perhaps Sevyn all operate in the digital as they do in the analog. If you will permit my analogy, say Hundred and Marga are trying to access a particular file on a system, or, in the real world, trying to access a file in a manila envelope in a locked room on the seventh floor of an office building. Marga, I think, would access that file with similar tactics. She would insinuate herself into the system or building, perhaps seducing a guard, stealing keys and passwords, picking locks, to glide her way quickly and quietly to her end goal. All catsuits and dancing over laser alarms and such. If Hundred were trying to accomplish the same time, she would do so as the techie that she is. She wouldn't bother to infiltrate the building. She would probably do something like bring a pneumatic grappling cannon to repel up the side of the building and an impact drill to bore a hole directly into the room she wanted to be in. Or, if she is particularly unconcerned with subtlety, just accomplish both goals of height and force by driving a construction excavator up to the building and just scooping out the room with the folder in it and driving away. The point is, whereas Marga would be discrete, causing as few alarms to be raised as possible, so no one would even know she was there, Hundred would probably level the entire building if it seemed more expedient. Marga subverts system code, Hundred deconstructs it and builds her own. I don't have quite as good of an analogy for Sevyn since her meatspace skillset doesn't translate to programming behavior as directly. Maybe she's just a particularly speedy programmer? Like she might just drive a motorcycle through the buildings front door and zoom on up to the seventh floor before anyone can wrap their heads around what just happened and then popping a wheely off the roof and onto the parking garage across the way. I don't know. It is not, perhaps, a perfect analogy.