[img]http://ts1.mm.bing.net/th?&id=JN.mwP8JSxhRissfQsRwe1UMg&w=300&h=300&c=0&pid=1.9&rs=0&p=0&r=0[/img] Name: Des Race: Human (as far as any one can tell) Class: None (For now) Main-Hand Weapon: none Off-Hand Weapon: none Secondary Weapon: None Armor: Cloth Powers: None (For now) Skills: None, but can learn them very quickly if one of the party members were to teach him Weaknesses: Defenseless, Taken advantage of, Amnesia Personality: Des is usually a quiet kid, observing the party on their adventure, but when he speaks it is usually his evaluation of someone. Similar to Alula he tends to know who a person is and what they are hiding, but he doesn't use any cryptic messages, he just flats out says what he thinks Background: He forgot, but remembers waking up in the woods to the sounds of someone banging steel together Other: has Amnesia, always says things exactly as he means them which can make him sound rude, hates people who keep secrets