And suddenly special guest vigilante: Yo Jo Barista! He was pinning down the one loose mugger while the rest were still trying to untangle each other. Disarmed and disoriented they were a most perfect target and Guardian charged at them, bringing swift justice that came in fist shaped packages. One of his kicks actually launched one of the thugs into a nearby parking garage causing one of the car alarms on the lower levels to go off. When his swift beating came to an end the muggers didn't have any fight left in them, not even the goon the Barista had pinned looked like he wanted to resist after seeing his pals get pummeled. Guardian turned to face the coffee house employee and his catch. "The police have been alerted and they should be on their way here as we speak" He walks up to the drive thru window, exchanges a $10 bill for his coffee and then approaches the downed goon "I've also sent the police pictures of you trying to attack those girls as well, you should have known better than to try something like that in my city. And If I ever find any of you punks trying some shit like that again..." he sips his coffee, staring at the criminal from under his hood "I'll cut off your balls and kill you" It was then the sirens started to become audible "Well, I better run so remember that, Guardian saved the day." He quickly turned and bolted toward the parking garage before leaping into the air. As he sailed through the air he realized he just didn't have enough power in that jump as the wall of the parking garage was rising up to meet him. He reached out and grabbed a hold of the top of the wall and used his legs as stoppers to keep his body from smashing into the building. The collision didn't cause him any pain but he didn't want to stay on that wall for very long and hopped over to the other side. [i]May not have made it all of the way to the top but I still managed to crash into the wall of the top floor.[/i]