[b]Name:[/b] Tetsuya Kuro [b]Nickname:[/b] Death [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Half Shinigami [b]Special Abilities:[/b] [url=http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Nether_Manipulation]Nether Manipulation:[/url] Ability to Manipulate all Aspects of Death or The Chnthonian Element. Has Not Mastered it Obviously, and Can Only utilize Three Powers which are: Dark Element Manipulation, Darkness Manipulation and Transcendent Physiology: Death. When He is enraged, all his powers are unlocked for a limited time such as 5 Minutes. [url=http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Aether_Manipulation]Aether Manipulation[/url]: Ability to control all Aspects of Life or The Fifth Element. His Power is limited of course. He can only use Two Abilities: Elemental Energy Manipulation and Energy Manipulation. [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130528220205/camphalfbloodroleplay/images/0/09/Beowulf2.jpg[/img] [b]Classes:[/b] 1.Weaponry 2.Tactics 3.Ability Control 4.Gym 5.Language [b]Other:[/b] EGOIST