Horus was a big Vampire, and as he stood up, his frame seemed to completely obscure the majority of the throne behind him. He took the three steps leading from the base of the throne to the room floor at his own pace. Horus watched as May left the room, and then he stopped in front of the sobbing girl. He crouched down onto his haunches and looked at the human curled up on his floor. [i]"I know who you are, little princess. You've caused quite a stir inside your fathers castle. You're lucky most of the population is unaware, otherwise you might have been caught by now and I wouldn't have been able to accept this marvelous gift."[/i] Horus grabbed the girl by her hair and dragged her up onto her knees, and with his spare hand, directed her gaze at his own. He looked into her eyes for a few seconds before letting her fall back to the floor. He stood back up and started to wonder around as he spoke to himself. [i]"Now. I wander what poor little Azrael would be doing with a girl like you. Perhaps he wanted a high class slave to do his bidding? No no. That would be far too dark for him. Is he taking you somewhere? The little princess no longer wants to play royalty? Hm... Maybe. But that still doesn't explain why Azrael would burden himself with such a task. Well, this is most perplexing. I wonder if he will indulge me with the answer when he comes to get you. Assuming he does actually care about you to some extent and that you were not just a simple pastime. Haha, I can imagine it now, him busting in here all 'Give me back my princess'. Ah, isn't here such a hero? He's got the looks and the good intentions. So humble and selfless. Tell me little girl...."[/i] He said turning his gaze back to Evangeline. [i]"...You haven't fallen for him yet have you? He's like that you know. Making ladies fall for him and then discarding them like yesterdays bones. Poor old Elizabeth, she fell for him hard..."[/i] He returned back to his throne and clicked his fingers. Two Vampires entered the room. [i]"Take this one to my chambers and put a guard on the door, she is not to leave. Also, we'll probably be visited by a very disgruntled Vampire soon so please make sure everyone is on alert for that, but don't slow him down too much, I'd like to talk to him myself."[/i] He returned back to the casual position he was in before May arrived with the princess, who was now being dragged away backwards by her arms. [i]"Don't worry, Evangeline. I won't be too long."[/i] Horus said winking.