Can I join in on this, or am I just too late? E: As for ideas, I'll just throw in probably the most cliched one of all, but one that seems to work a lot; an evil corporation. Considering someone already suggested big time corporations, then it would be logical to assume that one of them would be willing to use the emergence of metahumans to their leverage. Plus, what's a superhero tale without an Oscorp-ish villain pulling strings in the background?Hell, you could even link them to the government and portray the system as partially corrupted. I'm trying to slink in a Daredevil-inspired character, kind of an underdog that works in a small scale but switches to a more nationwide one by the start of the RP, so that would benefit me a lot. And hey, if you need any ideas, let me know. This is going to be my first and only RP, so as to avoid being overwhelmed, so it's safe to say I'm gonna be available a lot.