Over the past few amount of days when the team had be inactive, Drake had been uncharacteristically quiet, not really attempting to communicate with any of his team at all. He had a few polite conversations, even greeted them with a smile, but he had to admit to even himself that he simply wasn't his usual cheerful self. Unfortunately he knew the reason for his dark behavior as well... He could't get the image of Witch, and even Izzy's mangled bodies out of his head. Death was part of what they were doing here, and he understood that. How could he not understand that? They were super powered people sent to fight other meta-humans with the powers of gods. Naturally there were going to be some causalities. The problem Drake had was he had made it his mission when he had first gotten there to limit those causalities to, preferably, zero. And if it couldn't be zero the at least he could make it so that the only casualty was himself. Yet Witch had died, Izzy had died (even if her power had allowed her to come back) and Gloria had come too close to comfort. In the back of his head, the boy knew that somehow it was his fault. If anything, if he had listened to Revel, or even Crosscut he knew he would have been able to prevent the deaths. In the end it was their lack of teamwork which had caused them such a impossible chance at success, and if it hadn't been for Revel and Glorias plan they would have all died. So why did Drake still blame himself? He honestly couldn't even answer that question. Now that they were in a meeting for their new mission, he simply took the folder to begin reading about this new opponent. At least there was less of a sense of urgency this time... They could have enough time to come up with plan and be able to go in a bit more coordinated. She didn't seem quite as much of a brute as the Immortal did... Hopefully more of the team would be able to help in this scenario.