Austin smiled, his beard dropping a few centimeters as he watched Lucas admire the weapon. It's one of a few he had gotten in a shipment, already tooled down for a special operation that hadn't come about, or so his friend overseas had told him. The whole kit of 21 weapons had been moth-balled, but Austin's friend had sent six such weapons out for "repairs" and they had never come back, the mistake being put down as a clerical error. And the guns had made it to him, with ammo to spare. He smiled when the gesture is taken and he nods, accepting the compliments, "I do the best I can with what I have is all. Thank you." He grabbed a pistol off a rack, and a pair of clips, slipping it into the inside of his jacket. Loading a clip as he followed along behind Lucas. They jumped into the car. "Drugs...drugs everywhere yeah I know. I've made sure to keep it out of my neighbourhood." He settled himself into the front passenger seat, and buckled in. They began to roll and he watched the scenery go by. He hrmed, "So I reasoned out you were out on a vendetta against someone. "Someone" not something. I didn't know that building that went up was a mafiya front.'re going after the Russian god damn mafia...I like your style. See I thought you were after the little guys. Those One Precenters and the small producers. I didn't think it was the Mafia." He smiled brightly. As they passed into the industrial area of this section of the city he looked around. Manufacturing builds, tall overlooks, balconies, shady spots. His old Marksman days kicking in as he looked for hidey holes, and top shots. He spotted a few really good ones. And then looked over as they parked across from the bottle plant. He looked out the window. And started counting guard posts and patrols, as well as lookouts. He nodded, "Place is well guarded..." He hrmed, "You were waiting for the right oppurtunity...the right help." His face split in an almost feral grin, "You have it." He looked about listening to Lucas, "A way in, I wouldn't trust a rat even if you found one Lucas. I did a tour in Helmand once. Recon found a rat, we plugged him, then caged him, he wanted to talk to some friends. And the MP foolishly let it happen. When we moved on the target we found he had peached to those friends. And the targets had tooled up their defenses. Lost four good men in that raid. Can't trust Rats, at all Lucas. Tell you what though. I might have an idea." He reached into a pocket, "I'm getting a shipment in. Tomorrow of the day after. He pulled out a small tech paper, which outlined small wheeled remote drones, "These guys are about 3 inches long, an inch wide, made of plastic for the most part, high def. fish eye cameras. Easy to pilot, you can slave several into one remote. They are silent as a ghost, and strong enough to throw them down some stairs and they still work." He showed the schematic to Lucas, "The shipment has about fifty in them. Another Client of mine wanted thirty, and he won't miss it if another ten or twenty of these little buggers goes missing and are used for something else." He nodded towards the building, "Big building like that, ten would do you, sweep through the building with them, toss a few in through a second floor window, let them scoot along, recording everything, and you view the intake from a safe area." Austin nodded slowly, as if it all played out perfectly. He then pointed out the window, "And yeah I have family, but they know what I do, hell my son helps me at the shop when one of my clients shows up. But I do it anyway." He pointed to a building outside the fence of the bottling plant, "See there, perfect position, I can cover the whole front of the building there. Dead line of sight on almost all the guards. And part of the roof too. I'm a Marksman Lucas. Put me up there, with a Battle rifle or Marksmens rifle and I can keep the entire guard contingent down and suppressed for at least three quarters of an hour." Austin looked to Lucas, "You may want to drive before they start wondering why a wonder machine like this is parked near by." He nodded, "How does the drone idea sound to you?"