James, now getting into this, stood up from behind his table, and walked nearer the arena. Microphone above his head, he pointed it down to his face and spoke into it. "NNNEXT UP!" he said, shouting at near his loudest so far. "GE-LA-TOOOO!" he said, looking around trying to spot the man or woman who took that name. "VERSUS" He added, getting ready for the next name. "Sniiide NAPALM!" he finished, backpedaling to his desk, rolling over the table as he touched it, sitting into his chair. He was getting good at the arena talking thing, and if anything he could make at least a little money off this. Across the building, at the top of the seating area, three cloaked figures began to speak. [Color=red]"What are we waiting for..."[/color] spoke a certain Mel, her hand, with many cords and clothe wrappings, pulled close to her chest to hide it. The chain leg made a loud clinking noise when she moved it, so she made sure to keep still. [Color=skyblue]"Aren't we waiting for the fights to ge-"[/color] yet, again, the boy was cut off, and to this he grunted, his face scrunching up with a light anger. [color=blue]"We are waiting to see everybody at their best.. If they go full power, that is.. Then once we know what we're up against, Mel remains here, I circle around to the opposite side of the area, and you walk between us, still remaining at the top of the seating area, and keeping yourself hidden. Then we can move on them.."[/color] he said, making sure they knew the plan through and through. With that they nodded in unison, no more questions coming up about the situation.