[Center][color=00aeef]Ash Mareino[/color][/center] Ash rode in the car her brother had rented. They had left New York a few days ago to enjoy a road trip together, staying in hotels and looking at the sites. It was honestly the most fun Ash could have while the knot in her stomach twisted as they neared the school. It wasn't going to school that bothered her. It was Coleman's death, and the now tainted lake. Her eldest brother was doing the best he could, but he knew the real reason, and that Ash wouldn't be receptive to much. He had encouraged her by asking about Jamie. At the school Ash listened to the welcoming speech. Each rule irritated her. Especially the ones about the lake. Admittedly she wasn't so sure about going to it right now, but it was still her lake. She was one of the annoyed voices. She heard Jamie, but didn't see him, join her. That pleased her. What didn't please her was her room assignment, and of course that her parents had made sure she had music again. She sighed, this year was not going to be as wonderful as she had hoped. Ash tossed her keys up and down for a moment. She didn't want to head straight to her dorm, even with her heavy bag having to be in tow until then. Going to the room sooner meant dealing with Katalina sooner. Instead she shoved the bag in her gym locker, a new one, bigger thankfully. Then went looking for Jamie.