[b]Name:[/b] Carter Andrews [b]Age:[/b] 27 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Ethnicity:[/b] Caucasian [b]Appearance[/b] [hider][img]http://www.ivid.it/fotogallery/imagesearch/images/my_little_eye_sean_cw_johnson_marc_evans_026_jpg_unjd.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Confidential] [b]Alias:[/b] Condor [b]Costume[/b] [img]http://cache3.asset-cache.net/gc/497530589-winged-superhero-gettyimages.jpg?v=1&c=IWSAsset&k=2&d=pFNYM23aYHxBXi5C%2B5iXHR%2BDufmGGrFwbJqXj%2F4jYYQC%2FIyZQe3MDaO%2FyLIhN6uD[/img] [b]Meta-Human Power:[/b] Apart having developed a pair of bird-like wings from his arms/shoulders, Carter also seems able to focus his eyes into a sort of binocular vision, similar to that of a hawk or other bird of prey. [b]Weaknesses or Side-Effects:[/b] Well for one thing the wings themselves have proven difficult to hide when he's not in costume. On a more severe note, his vision is sometimes difficult to control, at times even painful for his eyes. [/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Carter is, for the most part, a nice enough guy but with a bit of a devil-may-care attitude thrown into the mix. Strangely, he took to the whole superhero thing rather quickly, though that may have just been a way for him not to have to think about the severity of the explosion incident, choosing instead to devote his energy into beating up bad guys since according to him that is much less stressful. Don't let his attitude fool you, though, underneath his lazy and carefree expression is a surprisingly keen eye and sharp instinct that he only rarely shows off. [b]Background:[/b] Carter's a born-and-raised Modern City Georgian. He was the second child of his family, the first being his sister Claire. The brother and sister were pretty close growing up, probably the reason why she's so willing to put up with his shenanigans despite him supposedly driving her up the wall. Both of their parents worked as public servants, their mother Alice being the current Director of Modern City General Hospital and their father Joe (or Joseph as he's known professionally) a judge, and a pretty well-known one at that. Carter, like his dad, decided early on to pursue a career in law. Though unlike Joe, Carter's interest was instead firmly in law [i]enforcement[/i], and so rather than a legal career, he instead became a cop. Claire was a bit of an odd duck, pursuing neither law nor medicine and instead gained a career in politics, hence her current position as Deputy Mayor under Mayor Wellington. As for Carter, he was a good enough cop, though his work was never particularly outstanding. In fact, Carter was on duty on the day of the explosion, patrolling at the docks with his partner, James. Naturally, the two responded immediately and went to investigate closer. Though that might have been their undoing in the end. As they moved in closer to the beach, they came across people that were horribly effected by the chemicals, some mutating before their very eyes. One of the mutated people, likely driven mad by the chemical exposure, lashed out at them. Carter instinctively pulled his gun to shoot, but the bullets did nothing to the creature. It lunged for Carter, but James shoved him out of the way, taking the attack instead. Carter lost consciousness, awakening some time later in a hospital room with his parents and sister gathered around him. He went through the reports and discovered that James was among the casualties. From there things just... spiraled for Carter. He ended up quitting the force and started drinking more. His mysterious wings started growing from his shoulder blades and that certainly didn't help matters. He had to move out of his place and into a cheaper apartment, but in that process he was going through his old stuff and found something. They were some old comic books he used to read as a kid, he remembered them being what inspired him to become a cop in the first place, to catch bad guys and put them away like the heroes in the masks. Then he was struck with an idea. Using inspiration from some of the characters in his old comic book collection, he managed to put together a costume, then all he needed was a name. Remembering that birds of prey were a commonly used motif for naming things in Modern City, he decided to do the same for himself, soon settling on the name Condor. Whatever depression he'd once had seemed to vanish after this. He was back to being the carefree guy he used to be. Realizing that he needed a day job, he decided to put his police training to a new use by opening up a small private eye agency, even advertizing that cases involving Meta-Humans were his specialty in order to attract clients as well as leads on other Meta-Humans like himself. [b]Other:[/b] Nothing in particular at this time.