[center][img]http://media.tumblr.com/2919ed164d74068cf5000f243def070a/tumblr_inline_n0yilwXBbQ1qhd912.png[/img][/center] [center]"I solve [b]practical problems[/b]."[/center] Name: Engineer (real name Dell Conagher) Origin: Team Fortress 2 Age: Unknown, believed to be mid 30's. Race/Species: Human Powers: [list] [*]Arsenal: The Engineer boasts a wide variety of weapons and stuff. Exactly where he puts them all is anyone's guess.[list] [*]Shotgun: 6 shells to fire until it's time to reload again. [*]Pistol: 12 bullets per clip. [*]Wrench: Can't be an Engineer without one. ---- [*]Gunslinger: Beneath that yellow glove of his is a metal hand. Great for punching things, or for [url=https://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Organ_Grinder]killing people in a gruesome way[/url]. [*]Short Circuit: A little device that disintegrates projectiles like rockets and grenades without worry. Also good for disintegrating people if aimed at them long enough. However, it has its own ammo, so it can't be used forever, and it doesn't have a very long range. [/list] [*]Buildings: He pulls a toolbox out of seemingly nowhere and creates a building. It takes a few moments to set up, but once up, it's devastating. [list] [*][url=https://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Sentry_Gun]Sentry[/url]: A strong turret that fires loads of bullets. Also fires rockets. [list] [*][url=https://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Sentry_Gun#Combat_Mini-Sentry_Gun]Mini-Sentry[/url]: An alternative to the default sentry gun. It's faster to set up and harder to hit due to its small size, but that also means it's weaker. Can't fire rockets either. [*]Wrangler: A joystick-like device that allows the Engineer to take manual control of his sentry gun. Also creates a force field around the turret to reduce damage, and a laser sight to aid in aiming. [/list] [*][url=https://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Dispenser]Dispenser[/url]: A big machine that heals nearby people, and resupplies ammo. Also creates more metal for the Engineer to use. This stuff ain't cheap. [*][url=https://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Teleporter]Teleporters[/url]: Consists of two devices. Standing on one will take you to the other. As a safety precaution, only one person should be on a teleporter at a time, or else bad things will happen. Oh, and no bread. [/list] [/list] Weaknesses:[list] [*]Being a human: Everyone knows humans are fragile beings, and even he is no exception. [*]Low combat prowess: The Engineer relies on his machines to do the fighting for him. His shotgun and wrench aren't bad, but not exactly the strongest weapons out there. [*]Metal: His machines take up a lot of metal to create. He must have enough metal to create them, otherwise his little beauties will not see the light of day. [*]Lack of movement: his machines can't move away from one spot on their own. The Engineer must pack them back up into their toolbox form and move them to another location himself, where it'll still take time to set up, although not as long as it usually does to build them.[/list] History: Hired by Redmond Mann along with 8 other mercenaries to steal Blutarch Mann's, his brother, share of land that they acquired from their father's will. Unfortunately for Redmond, Blutarch had hired 9 mercenaries of the exact same capabilities, so those two were locked in battle for many, many years. Many odd times were shared by both sides, including getting beheaded repeatedly by an axe-wielding pumpkin headed monster, getting blown to bits by a magical giant floating eye monster, forced to dance due to an angry magician's magic, and even getting sent to hell, but they always came out okay in the end. Personality: This amiable, soft-spoken good ol' boy from tiny Bee Cave, Texas loves barbecues, guns, and higher education. Natural curiosity, ten years as a roughneck in the west Texas oilfields, and eleven hard science PhDs have trained him to design, build and repair a variety of deadly contraptions. Extra: He is quite proficient with an acoustic guitar. Also, he likes to wear silly hats and cosmetics, and can create a [url=https://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Rancho_Relaxo]chair[/url] to relax on, complete with tiny parasol and beer holder. Favorite character is Gordon Freeman.