07:54 Location: Second floor, Lauzurus The corridors are quickly filling up with pupils on their way to today's morning lessons. Desmond had his nose deep down his pamphlet looking for the fastest route to the fire magic classroom down on the first floor. [i]Trance magic, metamorphism magic, aha! Fire magic.[/i] As Desmond approach the door he notice a young boy standing in front of the door looking at it with big eyes. He is younger than Desmond with brown short hair on top of his childish head. Desmond vaguely remembered seeing him yesterday when Jan distributed the keys. -"Is there a problem?" Desmond asked nervously as he approached the boy, afraid that the lesson might be cancelled. -"Huh? What?" Desmond's words seem to have snapped the boy out of his trance. -"What are you doing just staring at the door like that? Is there a problem?" -"Not at all! I just wonder how it looks like inside..." the boy responded with a dreamy voice. -"Oh. umm, I'm Desmond by the way. Are you going to partake in fire magic class too?" -"I sure am! My name's Ted, Nice to meet you!" The boy were a lot more energetic than Desmond expected. -"So Ted, how about we find out what the classroom looks like?" Said Desmond as he slowly opened the door to peek inside. The room is arranged in a peculiar way. There are no benches like an ordinary classroom would have but instead there were charred logs set up in a circle in the middle of the classroom around a fireplace, almost like a camping site. One of the long walls is covered in some kind of cloth and a blackboard is on the far wall next to a door leading to a back room. Many students already sit down on the logs, some that Desmond recognize from the group earlier. the two of boys sit down on one of the logs and simply wait for the lesson to begin. Suddenly a burst of flames and smoke appears in the middle of the group, scaring everyone present in the room. As the smoke disperses the group sees a man in his thirties wearing a long, short sleeved coat and round glasses standing there wiping soot from his face. -"Sorry about that children! Jan had me take care of some nasty business so I was in a hurry getting back here." The man who presumably is the teacher adjust his glasses and look around. "Well would you look at that! There are so many new faces here today, eager to know the arts of magic. Junior students can practice in the back room while I take care of the newcomers." Four of the wizards stood up and walked through the door beside the black board. The teacher had a smile on his face as he picked up a notepad from one of his pockets and scribbled something quickly before putting it down again. "Welcome to Lauzurus school for gifted children fair pupils. My name is Jonathan Blaze and I'll be your teacher for this morning. I am very thrilled to see so many taking interest in the fiery element." He hopped over the logs and walked over to the blackboard. "As you may know there are four elements: Fire, Wind, Water and Earth. These make up the four magical elements that is featured in the Elemental Spectrum. It is a common misconception that fire is the most destructive element of the four. While a forest fire might seem intimidating it is nothing compared to a flood, a cyclone or an earthquake. Each of the elements has the power to create or annihilate. The winds move the world and the weather, water keeps us and all other life hydrated, the earth gives us a place to stay and cultivate and fire gives us warmth and light. What I mean to tell you is that you need a big perspective. The element complement each other, not the other way around." When Jonathan had finished summarizing what he said on the blackboard he sat down with you and the other students. "Now with that out of the way let's get to the fun part, making fire." He closed his right hand gently. Carefully he opened it again and before the eyes of the class a flame burned brightly on his palm. "Fire need two things to burn: Air and fuel. Without air the flame will suffocate just like we do if we can't breathe. Without fuel the flame has no energy to burn just like we get tired." One of the boys in the class put up his hand to ask a question. -"How come the flame can burn in your hand without hurting you? If the fire need fuel wouldn't your hand burn up?" [i]That makes sense.[/i] -"A clever question, but you forget what makes us unique. Wizards use magical energy also referred to as mana. By channeling mana I can let the flame use it as fuel instead of myself. Depending on how much mana I use or how I use it I get many different effects. It could be from a gentle flame like this one to an burning inferno!" The teacher stands up and violently throw the flame against the long wall. The once small flame turn into a roaring ball of fire smashing into the wall with impact enough to engulf the whole wall with incredibly hot blazes, heating up the room immensely. The fire however only last for a few seconds before dispersing into smoke. Desmond somehow got the feeling that this was only a small display of his teacher's power. "Now how about you try lighting a flame. Spread out on the logs, make sure you don't sit too close to each other in case something bad happens." Desmond and Ted scoot away from each other. The teacher's spell had scared them closer to each other than they realized. The teacher instructed his class with some tips on how to "awaken your magic" as he called it. "Magic is part of everything, even yourself. You just need to find it! Focus on the tip of your finger as you snap them. Try imagining the flame, how you light it and the warmth it gives. If that isn't enough think of something that makes you angry, passionate or furious." Memories flash through Desmond's head as he focus on lighting his index finger. Suddenly it was as if everything fell into place, as if a sixth, seventh and eighth sense came to be. Smiling he open his eyes to find his whole arm burning. Panicking he flails his arm around trying to put out the fire. Jonathan quickly rush over to Desmond. He grabbed Desmond's hand and let the class witness as the flames burn over to his arm where they rapidly burn out. "It would seem as the spirit is willing, but the mind is weak." He said with an inferring tone. A bit embarrassed Desmond look down but inside he were as happy as he could be. He actually preformed magic! For the remainder of the lesson Desmond kept practicing on controlling the flame until he were able to keep a gentle flame still on his finger. Ted also managed to awaken his magic, the happy shouting was a dead give away. In the end it was only the two of boys who had the skill to awaken their magic. "Well done boys! I don't expect anyone to awaken their magic on their first lesson in magic, but you did it none the less! Now everyone before we end today's lesson I just want to let you know that with the power of magic come responsibility. Even if it's tempting to burn down every obstacle or blow up every problem remember to think about another solution. A grand perspective makes a grand wizard." Before Desmond and Ted left class Jonathan gave them a few candles each which they could practice their fire magic on. As soon as the two boys got outside Ted burst right out without thinking of anyone else. -"We're fire mages Desmond! Wooo!" -"I guess we are!" He knew there was still a very long way to go, but it was more fun playing along. With wide smiles Desmond and Ted begin looking for the dining hall. It didn't take long before they found the line stretching all the way out the corridors. To pass the time while waiting to get their lunch they had some small talk between each other. "So Ted which lesson are you going to attend next?" -"You know I always dreamed of being able to fly, so I'll go with wind magic! How about you Desmond?" -"Hmm..." [hr] Auron opened the door to the Demonology classroom with confidence. Many students have already found their seats by the benches but there were still many free for the boy. Compared to the other classroom it has a damp red atmosphere to it, several glowing inscribements are made on stone tablets that hang on every wall and blinds are covering the windows. A puff of red smoke appears by the blackboard and a tall man in a ragged black suit steps out of it. He has short black hair and a well kept mustache. -"Good morning conjurers." He talks with a buttery voice, smiling and showing off his sharp teeth. "Master wants me to take care of you for this semester, for those who don't know me I am called Tohrd." -"Why can't master Krautz attend to his lessons?" An older student stand up and asks, sounding somewhat sniffy. -"That's none of your business Joalyn! Sit down or I'll slit your throat." Though the teacher's words sounded very intimidating she simply sat down with a huff. "Would Auron Zecane be so kind and get over here, the rest of you can find tomes in the lower cabinet. Read up on the chaos pattern and its' pitfalls." As asked Auron walks up to his teacher by the desk. Every student in the room judged him intensely as he walked slowly to the rostrum. -"How do you know my name?" Auron ask curiously. -"Your father told me to expect you, follow me." Tohrd leads his new student through a door to a smaller room behind the classroom. This room has no windows so it's even darker than the classroom. The only source of light are a few candles placed on a table against the wall. Unlike the other rooms Auron had been to this one is exclusively made out of stone bricks. "Lets sit down." Tohrd sits down on the cold floor and the boy follow his example. "I sense that you have not awakened you magic yet, which must mean your father haven't taught you anything yet, right?" Auron nodded as he recalled his father's words. [i]I will not teach you any magic Auron. I have far more important things to do than watching you fail at dangerous crafts.[/i] "I see. The magic community doesn't frown upon any kind of magic, however the common folk and many of the religious does. I am glad you wanted to give this particular school of magic a shot despite the pain it must have brought you." -"How come you know so much about me?" Auron was kind of bugged out by that fact. -"People know who you are Auron, some more than others though. Don't forget that. Anyway let's begin with awakening your magic. I want you to search for your inner flame. Focus and try to make your blood spin." Tohrd's instructions were very vague but Auron gave it his best shot. He closed his eyes trying to look deep within himself and strain every fiber of his body. It was almost as if a plug came loose because suddenly the boy went wild screaming and covering his head. There was so much power flowing through the young boys body, it burned through every vein as it flowed along his overly rapid heartbeats. Auron felt as if his eyes were about to pop, his ears rang and puke were streaming out his mouth. After a good minute of intense pain and vomiting Auron's body finally calmed down. "It would seem as you got some of your mother's powers too!" Tohrd laughed as Auron sat back up wiping some bile from his mouth. -"What do you know about my mother!?" The boy snapped at his teacher. -"Apparently more than you. We're done here for today Zecane, take a long break to recover and get some lunch. I'll see you soon." The teacher finished with a very sinister smile, licking his lips playfully. Weak Auron left the classroom and walked toward the dining hall through empty corridors. He sat down on a bench just outside the doors to the hall and thought about what just happened. [i]Your mother? She gave her life so that you could live. You'll never meet her or hear of her, but know that she'll always be a part of you.[/i] Auron sighed as he thought about it. Sometimes he felt that his life were more mystery than living. Restless he picked up his pamphlet, thinking about what course he would attend next. [hr] Julius walked around the school feeling a bit lost after he lost track of his love. [i]Strange this map must be wrong or something.[/i] He kept walking until he eventually came back to the classroom he had just been in only to realize that he was supposed to be in the same classroom again. he did a mental facepalm and entered the classroom again. During his little stroll the classroom had once again filled up with students, though this time not only new students who were from your batch of freshmen. There is no sign of a teacher so you simply take the same seat again and sit down. Soon enough Jan enters the classroom and sits down behind the rostrum. -"I'm sorry for being so late. But there was important business to take care off. I'm glad to see so many new student in this class, modern wizards tend to neglect the power of common knowledge. For today's lessons we're going to talk about the ruling of our land Swedium. The amount of people who don't know how our country is ruled is frighteningly low. Swedium is a religious monarchy, that means we have one king who rule us all. This king is elected through a voting among the leaders of nine religious groups: The Bastion of Grace, Wings of Hope, Chevaliers de Cartes, Light's Parish, the Sect of Fantasia, the Niehres, Holomer's circle and the Seers of Twilight. Once a king is elected he sits on the throne until the day he die or abdicates." -"Can't these religious groups elect a queen instead of a king?" A girl asks way in the back of the classroom. -"A very good question young! There is no such law that would forbid the nine groups from electing a female to lead our country, but it has never happened even once in our history. Now our ruling king is Viktor Boron, Mattheus Boron's only child. Mattheus was our old king and there is something really important here that you need to know. Mattheus Boron is deemed to be the strongest king we ever had to rule Swedium. He had the strength of one thousand men, the charisma of an angel and the magic of an elf. eighteen years ago he joined an expedition to find a new land on the other side of the great seas but he never came back. His disappearance spurred a new threat to rise and we needed to elect a new king quickly to lead our land. The nine decided to elect the king's son, believing if he only was half as strong as the former king he would suffice to lead us through the coming crisis. He however was not and led our land into dire times, we barely recovered even today." -"So what happened that was so bad? Shouldn't we know if this event was so decisive to our lands history?" The boy in front of you ask. -"Demonic usurpers attacked from inside the capital, threatening the integrity of our land. If it wasn't for the king's bodyguards, the legendary seven, our country would've looked a whole lot different today. Perhaps it wasn't a direct damage to our land, but what happened in the capital would indirectly weaken the country and spread an unrest among the other nobles and the bigger religious groups. There isn't many who knew exactly what happened in the castle and that is why so many don't know why our country look like it does. Speaking of the legendary seven, they are the king's closest bodyguards. These seven wizards is extremely strong and together they are invincible! The only one who ever were strong enough to have a chance against the seven would be our former king. Our current ruler Viktor though is a very weak king. He lack the attributes of a ruler and most of his work is done by his bodyguards." For the rest of the lesson Jan talked about even older rulers and their deeds. Apparently the king need to meet some certain criteria to be elected by the nine groups. He need to be strong enough to defend his country on his own, He need to be able to speak directly into the hearts of the people and he need to be born in Swedium. "Tommorow we'll talk about the other countries and our relations with them. Now go and get some lunch." Julius left the classroom, feeling a bit smarter than he did before, this was important knowledge after all. As he got to the dining hall the line had already grown all the way out to the corridors. -"Hey Julius! Over here!" Julius spot Desmond jumping and waving a him. Awkwardly Julius squeeze himself through the line to reach Desmond. -"Thanks for keeping a spot for me Desmond." The Nord gives the boy a smile. -"No problem! So how did your first lesson go?" -"Good I suppose, can't say it was very intense. How about yours?" -"It was perfect, look at this!" Desmond snapped his fingers and lighted a small flame on his fingertip. -"You already know magic? That's impressive!" Julius hadn't thought much about this Desmond boy, thinking he was weak. But this had changed his perspective a bit. -"How come you're so tall and muscly?" Julius look down and find a short and young boy staring up at him. -"And who are you supposed to be?" Julius said mockingly. -"That's my new friend Ted, he also awakened his magic!" Said Desmond as the two boys fistbumped. -"So tall guy, what kind of class are you going to take?" Ted asked Nord. [hr] [b][u]Desmond[/u][/b] (Open Choice) *New skill acquired!* *New spectrum acquired!* *Learned a new element!* *Learned a new spell!* [hider=Character Sheet]Name: Desmond Glover Age: 13 Gender: Man Race: Swedian Strength: 0 Endurance: 1 Soul: 2 Psyche: 1 Intelligence: 0 Charisma: 1 Luck: 1 Skills: Inner magic Spectrum: The elemental (1/4) Elements: Fire Alignment: +0 Popularity: +0 Well being: +10 Inventory: Cigarettes, Blue key, Pamphlet Money: 3 silver, 26 copper[/hider][hider=Pamphlet][b]-Courses-[/b] [list] [*] Basic magic [*] Raw magic [*] Trance magic [*] Synthetic magic [*] Dark magic [*] Corruption magic [*] Demonology magic [*] Galaxial magic [*] Fire magic [*] Water magic [*] Earth magic [*] Wind magic [*] Nature magic [*] Organic magic [*] Metamorphism magic [*] Will magic [*] Light magic [*] Healing magic [*] Religious magic [*] Arcane magic [*] General education [*] Physical education [*] Art class [*] Crafts class [*] Weapon class [/list] [b]-Rules-[/b] [list] [*]Do not fight without a teachers permission. [*]Do not sleep in any house but your own. [*]Do not share your key to anyone. [*]Do not disobey any teachers. [*]Do not miss morning classes on weekdays. [*]Do not get anyone pregnant. [*]Do not enter school at night. [/list][/hider][hider=Spells][b]-Ignite-[/b] Element: [color=FF4500]Fire[/color] - [color=FF4500]Fire[/color] Difficulty: Very easy Level: 1 Kindle something very close to you.[/hider] [b][u]Auron[/u][/b] (Open Choice) *Soul increased!* *New skill acquired!* *Well being decreased.* [hider=Character Sheet]Name: Auron Zecane Age: 13 Gender: Man Race: Swedian Strength: 0 Endurance: 1 Soul: 4 Psyche: 2 Intelligence: 0 Charisma: 0 Luck: 1 Alignment: +0 Popularity: +0 Well being: -10 Skills: Inner magic (?) Inventory: Ink and quill, Blue Key, Pamphlet Money: 5 silver, 23 copper[/hider][hider=Pamphlet][b]-Courses-[/b] [list] [*] Basic magic [*] Raw magic [*] Trance magic [*] Synthetic magic [*] Dark magic [*] Corruption magic [*] Demonology magic [*] Galaxial magic [*] Fire magic [*] Water magic [*] Earth magic [*] Wind magic [*] Nature magic [*] Organic magic [*] Metamorphism magic [*] Will magic [*] Light magic [*] Healing magic [*] Religious magic [*] Arcane magic [*] General education [*] Physical education [*] Art class [*] Crafts class [*] Weapon class [/list] [b]-Rules-[/b] [list] [*]Do not fight without a teachers permission. [*]Do not sleep in any house but your own. [*]Do not share your key to anyone. [*]Do not disobey any teachers. [*]Do not miss morning classes on weekdays. [*]Do not get anyone pregnant. [*]Do not enter school at night. [/list][/hider] [b][u]Julius[/u][/b] (Open Choice) *Intelligence increased!* [hider=Character Sheet]Name: Julius Frost Age: 12 Gender: Man Race: Nord Strength: 3 Endurance: 2 Soul: 0 Psyche: 0 Intelligence: 1 Charisma: 0 Luck: 1 Alignment: +0 Popularity: +0 Well being: +10 Inventory: Short sword, prayer beads, dagger, Blue key, Pamphlet Money: 3 copper[/hider][hider=Pamphlet][b]-Courses-[/b] [list] [*] Basic magic [*] Raw magic [*] Trance magic [*] Synthetic magic [*] Dark magic [*] Corruption magic [*] Demonology magic [*] Galaxial magic [*] Fire magic [*] Water magic [*] Earth magic [*] Wind magic [*] Nature magic [*] Organic magic [*] Metamorphism magic [*] Will magic [*] Light magic [*] Healing magic [*] Religious magic [*] Arcane magic [*] General education [*] Physical education [*] Art class [*] Crafts class [*] Weapon class [/list] [b]-Rules-[/b] [list] [*]Do not fight without a teachers permission. [*]Do not sleep in any house but your own. [*]Do not share your key to anyone. [*]Do not disobey any teachers. [*]Do not miss morning classes on weekdays. [*]Do not get anyone pregnant. [*]Do not enter school at night. [/list][/hider][hider=Status][b]Physical Afflictions[/b] None. [b]Psychological Afflictions[/b] Lovestruck - Jenny Redoak It was love at first sight for Julius, now he is helplessly enamoured with the girl.[/hider]