Dustin was sitting near the piano. She liked the way it sounded, but did her best to look disinterested. She sat where she could see the pianist strike the keys, but made sure her eyes glazed over and peered out the window more often than not. She was dressed in a button down shirt with a loose leather vest shrugged over it. She had sewn it herself, it was in the style of her tribe, it had plenty of pockets. She wore pants strapped with belts, and leather boots made in the style of her vest. She was fresh off the trail and still had dust in her ears. She was cooling off with a short glass of warm whiskey. She had been a guide for a group of gold hunters earlier that day. She had to take them on an unusual route. The new group of outlaws were roaming, she took care to avoid them. The trip was a bit longer and the trip was not as profitable as usual, but it was worth avoiding the trouble. The man had killed the sheriff, her customers understood and appreciated the precaution even if it made their pockets a bit lighter at the end of the run. The piano player hesitated as that very same group she had spent the morning avoiding walked through the saloon doors. Dustin did not pay them any mind when they arrived, however, after killing the sheriff they set everyone on edge. She missed the Sherri, she paid him a bit of gold and herbs to overlook her line of work. As a guide what she did was sometimes illegal, but, was fairly harmless. The sheriff had had an ache in his back that her herbs seemed to sooth. Now he didn't have that ache no more. She wondered if the new Sheriff would be replaced, no one seemed to want fill a dead mans shoes. She didn't blame them. Bad luck. "Keep on." She urged the pianist, who seemed to consider leaving. She knew better than to show a predator fear, but, most people did not understand animals. She tipped him with a coin that she left on the piano top then walked toward the bar. She sat a few seats down from another newcomer. She put out her empty glass for the barkeep to refill, which they did after attending the stranger. She did not want to bother him but wanted to make her presence known. He was a potential client if he needed a guide, he might be in town looking for gold, or as the barkeep suggested, a person. Newcomers in town usually could guess that she was a guide, it was a common line of work for natives in the west. She would give the newcomer a nod as she got her glass refilled. She wouldn't say anything. She did not want to catch his attention if he wasn't looking for a guide after all. She certainly did not want to seem desperate for work, but when the outlaws killed the sheriff everyone got nervous and it was affecting business badly. So she was indeed a little desperate for work. She didn't look, but kept an ear on the outlaws as they took over a table and began a game of cards. She would not show them any care, but they were unpredictable. It would be unwise to forget them.