[color=ed145b][center][h2]☆ Deborah Wright ☆[/h2][/center][/color] [color=6ecff6]“But then we’d be deprived of all your style and grace, Debbie, dearie. And we wouldn’t want that, now would we? Who else could pull off that lovely...errhm...”[/color] Deborah lifted her head from her hands and looked over at Brody as he faked a cough in attempt to cover up his ability to say anything nice. Thankfully, he distracted by that pushy red-haired girl from before, and Debs was spared from hearing him speak to her for at least a minute. Thank God for small miracles, eh? It was then Andy spoke up, and Debs turned her attention to the other boy. [color=fff79a]“So, what are we doing today? Well, I’m sure you’ve all heard about the rash of disappearances at our very own school. Nathan Duarte disappeared in January. Julia Parker, in April. And Melissa Franklin, just a few weeks ago. All of them vanished on the second floor. And what happens to be on the second floor?”[/color] Debs frowned. Oh yeah, she'd heard about this, hadn't she? The rumours about... [color=fff79a]“The haunted girls’ bathroom, right? We’ve all heard the rumors. A girl committed suicide in there eleven years ago, and ever since then, it’s been out of order. No one goes in there. And that’s where we’re going to check out for our first case.”[/color] Debs felt the tiniest of shudders run up her spine. Yeah, that bathroom. Every time she had to walk past it on her way to class, she found herself quickening her pace, and she guessed she probably wasn't the only one. Still, it couldn't [i]really[/i] be haunted, could it? The only reason it scared everyone was because of what had happened in there. Bad memories, bad vibes... no one would ever feel comfortable in a place where they knew someone had died, would they? Especially if they had taken their own life. Luckily, Andy spoke again, distracting Debs from her troubling thoughts. [color=fff79a]“Anyway, why don’t we go around and introduce ourselves now?”[/color] Victoria was the first to introduce herself, though she really needn't have bothered. Everyone here knew her. Red-haired girl introduced herself as Sidney Garland, and while it wasn't a name as well known as Tori's, it did ring some small bells in Debs' mind. She was a gossip, a would-be reporter, didn't have any real friends. And once again, Debs found herself distinctly disliking the girl. So she didn't believe in the supernatural. That was fine. Believe what you believe, but don't disparage others for their beliefs. During this time, some more arrivals appeared, one dude, one girl, who's style one Debs happily approved of, and one... ... other girl. Debs quickly averted her gaze so she wouldn't be accused of staring, and instead turned her attention to the new boy, who had just introduced himself as Connie. Then head-bashing girl introduced herself as Lillith. Also apparently, she didn't seem to like Brody either. Note to self: give Lillith high-five. Seeing no one else speaking up - and Andy was obviously feeling a little overwhelmed by all unusual people - Debs decided it was time to introduce herself, and did so in her typical monotone way. [color=ed145b]"Hey."[/color] She waved a hand briefly at the rest of them. [color=ed145b]"I'm Deborah Wright, by ya'll can just call me Debs."[/color] She shrugged. [color=ed145b]"Well, if you want that is. It doesn't matter much to me. Anyway, I'm, err, not entirely how much I believe in the supernatural, but I'm willing to be convinced."[/color] She smiled at Andy as she said this in a gesture of encouragement. Having Sidney so rudely proclaim herself a skeptic, she felt that Andy needed to know that he did have at least one person who was here out of true interest, and not someone who just wanted to cause chaos. She then shrugged her shoulders. [color=ed145b]"That's all I have to say."[/color] She then turned her head away to show she was well and truly finished introducing herself.