"The Darkness is the best place to hide." [b]Appearance[/b] - [IMG]http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130831215038/erashinobionline/images/3/3e/Anime-guy-vagos-club-29810419-329-352.jpg[/IMG] [b]Wolf Apperance[/b] - [IMG]http://www.wall321.com/thumbnails/detail/20121109/dark%20blue%20eyes%20animals%20hate%20artwork%20white%20wolf%20wolves%202240x1400%20wallpaper_www.wall321.com_51.jpg[/IMG] Name: Josh [b]Age[/b]:22 [b]Sex[/b]: Male [b]Sexual Preference[/b]: Bi Sexual [b]Relationships[/b]: All his family members are dead except his brother Jacob. [b]Personality[/b]: Kind, Calm and Gentle. He has a little bit of an anger issue especially when called a coward and a weakling, or when they bad mouth his famlly. He is not afraid to fight and is not usually the one to back down first. [b]Biography[/b]: [I]Same as Jacobs[/I] Pack Information [Wolves only] Pack Position: [b]Mate[/b]: N/A [i][u]Born[/u][/i]