Garsin was in the park, sitting at a bench, when he heard the announcement. "Odd," he said out loud, "[i]Looks like I was right about the police being here. I wonder what is going on[/i]," he finished in thought. "[i] I guess I should head back to my room. Don't want to cause be int he way.[/i]" He wondered about whoever that William kid was on the way back. It was odd, so far he had been the only person to really say anything to him. Garsin guessed it wasn't unusual being the first night here, but it already seemed that everyone else, even the new people on his floor, were at least on an acquaintance basis. He was just about back to the dorm building when his stomach growled. He sighed, maybe he should have had a larger breakfast, but it just didn't seem that his body was content with the small breakfast he ate this morning. He turned back around and headed toward the cafeteria again. Once there he got there, he got a full sized meal with pancakes and sausage and an apple. He noticed on his way up to get his food that the place he sat last time was taken up by some other people, so he had to try to find a new spot. With the cancellation of the day's schoolwork, it seemed like the place was packed, and it took him a moment to find a clear area of table for him to actually sit down.