Athena sighed of relief as she trees around the car she rode in began to thin out. It had been countless hours of driving to get to the academy but it was always worth it when she got an eyeful of the campus. The girl stretched out on the passenger side of the car and turned to look at her mother as they pulled into the drive way. "Thank you. I'll make sure to either write or call..... If I'm not too busy." Athena grinned at her mother, and once the car was parked in front of the main doors, she reached over to hug her before giving her a kiss on the cheek and grabbing her stuff. Like every year, Athena waved as the car drove off and was safely out of sight. She always liked knowing that her mom was at least safely out of the school grounds for some reason. The young woman turned on her heels and made her way inside, giving the headmistress and glance but not returning the greeting. The lady gave off a strange vibe ever since she could remember. "Thanks," was all Athena muttered before making her way to the gym. Naturally, she was interested in seeing what the new faces looked like but unfortunately for her, she had gotten there just a tad too late and the student body had already dispersed. Following the same routine, Athena walked over and grabbed her packet before looking through it. She practically beamed as she saw dance twice on her schedule. No other class really mattered to her except for dance. "Yes!" The girl wanted to jump around and clap her hands but she kept her calm as she focused on making her way to her new dorm. It was unfortunate she wouldn't be able to have her old roommate, Aubrey Collard, another officer from the dance team. She had hit the jackpot last year with her teachers and her roommate. Hopefully this year would be the same. "Floor two, room one.... Zaylin Devonshire? Oh.... A new name..... A freshman? A new kid?" The girl's brow furrowed as she tried to match a face with the name while she walked up the stairs, ignoring those around her. It was a good thing too; Every year, without fail on the first day of school, many of the freshmen or new faces would fall under the spell of her ability. It was annoying to say the least. Not because of the blank looks or the amount of people that would be affected, but because she hated that she wasn't [i]normal[/i] like everyone else. She wanted to draw attention because of who she was, not because of some freakish ability. Athena finally looked up when she was at the door. It was already ajar so that made her feel a bit better because she did not have to be in suspense. She cleared her throat and looked down to make sure she looked presentable before opening the door and walking in, her eyes scanning the room. They stopped once they found her new 'roomie', dressed in all black. For a second, Athena wanted to laugh to ask if it was a joke but she bit her tongue and decided to only make any sort of judgement after she had properly introduced herself and the other girl had introduced herself as well. "Hello!" Athena entered the room slowly with a small wave, but a grin on her face nonetheless. "I'm Athena.... Your roommate." [i]'Please don't give me a blank stare, please don't give me a blank stare, please respond, please say something.' [/i]