Guild Master CS Dragon Fang Name: Jack Goran Age: 36 Birthday: January 17, X856 Magic: Fire God Slayer Magic Level: Wizard Saint History: Jack Goran's history is spotty at best, and he isn't known to like talking about it. What little he does share is incredibly sad. When he was 10, his father passed on the legacy of their family, Fire God Slaying magic. However, he was much stronger than any previous member of his family and the flames he unleashed quickly consumed everything in sight. Not even his father could stop the unintentional attack and his family was killed that day. He lived in fear of his abilities for years, living as a beggar while training in secret and far from anyone who could get hurt. Eventually, he learned to control them and he moved into his rightful place as a Wizard in a new world. However, that's all you'll ever get from Jack. He won't share more. Personality: Jack is kind, caring and protective. With the loss of his own family, the guild he's spent the last ten years building is his new one and he refuses to lose it. Team Members: His whole guild Three Strengths: 1. Most powerful user of his magic in 100 years 2. Strong conviction and moral compass 3. Skilled martial artist and tactician Three Weaknesses: 1. Wary of his own magic, won't always go all out. 2. Has trouble seeing a moral grey line sometimes, likes to think in terms of black and white. 3. Has an odd fear of cats. Greatest Love: His guild Motivation: To keep the world safe from the events of 100 years prior. Appearance: [img][/img] Additional Details: S-Class Wizard CSs Name: Jake Ronan Age: 24 Birthday: July 1, X868 [hider=Magic: Arsenal Magic: The Axman]Arsenal Magic is a far more specialized form of another magic who's name has been lost to time. Everything about his magic focuses on the use of Axes, from his armor to his choice of weapons. Hand axes, poleaxes, all kinds of axes. He has four axes he uses most often with special properties. Gorma's Halberd: [img][/img] This halberd is imbued with the power of fire and increases his toughness, making it so he can shrug off normally dangerous blows. This effect is tripled while he's wearing Gorma's armor. Alexander's Battle Ax: [img][/img] This ax is imbued with the power of ice and increases his speed, allowing him to dodge incredibly fast attacks with relative ease. Effect is doubled while wearing Alexander's armor. Shatterer's Hand Axes: [img][/img] These are the only ax that Jack duel wields. Embued with the power of Earth and increases his strength, allowing him to even cleave through certain spells. Effect is doubled while wearing Shatterer's armor. Doom Ax: [img][/img] This is Jack's most powerful ax, increasing all his natural abilities ten fold. This effect is doubled when wearing the Doom armor. Allows use of his Ultimate Spell Raganorok. Is incredibly taxing on Jack's body so there's a limited time frame of use.[/hider] Magic Level: S History: Jake was born to a pair of woodcutters who lived in Shirotsume Town and worked in a forest just south of it. From the time he could walk, his parents taught him how to to use the woodcutting axes they used to make their living, from the proper way to swing it to how to keep others safe around it. When he turned six, he joined his parents in the woods on occasion, doing his best to contribute. As he got older, he went out more often and contributed more and more.By the time he was sixteen, he joined his parents on a daily basis and was known to take down entire trees on his own in just a few hours. He was happy and content, spending all the time he could ask for with his family and contributing to his families lifestyle. However, this happiness would not last. On his eighteenth birthday, a Dark Guild rolled into Shirotsume Town and started demanding protection money, killing the people who outright refused to pay. His parents were among those who refused and he watched in horror as their lives were taken by a man wielding many different kinds of knives. However, as this man moved to kill him, he found his own magic. He threw his hands up in pointless self defense and felt something form in his hands, stopping the descending knife. When he looked up, he found he was holding a halberd, and that suddenly he felt empowered. Surging forward, he let his rage at the wrong doings of the men before him guide him. The man with the knives escaped, but he managed to wound or incapacitate most of the others for the Rune Knights to arrest. It was then that he met the guild master of the ever growing Dragon's Fang and he joined in an instant. In two years time, he'd mastered his magic and discovered it's true name and abilities and become one of the guild's S Rank wizards. Personality: Silent and reserved, he really only gets loud around his friends and guildmates. In battle, he doesn't speak, he lets his skills do the talking. Team Members: Ammy Silver Three Strengths: (Not just combat) 1. Physically strong and a good work ethic 2. Knows his way around familiar areas, especially forests 3. Is handy for making quick camps Three Weaknesses: (Make them Applicable) 1. Lacks proper education from so much time in the woods. Can read at a basic level. 2. Claustrophobic 3. Distrusting of anyone who won't at least put their shoulder to the metaphorical wheel Greatest Love: He'll never tell, but Ammy Motivation: To keep the events of his youth from repeating themselves and protect others. Appearance: [img][/img] Additional Details: Name: Ammy Silver Age: 27 Birthday: May 30, X865 [hider=Magic: Reaper Magic] Reaper magic is unique for two aspects. It is one of the few magics that requires a weapon and it is also the only magic of it's kind. To use it, it requires a scythe. And it's effects are interesting. First, every cut the scythe inflicts begins to numb your body, with the severity increasing with the depth of the cut until you can't move or feel your body, like you're dead. On top of that, all it's spells focus on maximizing pain and suffering, with only one spell truely causing death. The final goal of all her spells but Reaping of Souls is to make an opponent too weak and tired to continue fighting. Scythe appearance: [img][/img]X2 [img][/img][/hider] Magic Level: S (acutally X, but this is a secret) History: No one knows much about Ammy Silver, and when questioned, she's quite adept at turning the conversation on the questioner and their past. She turned up on the guild's front door one day, with nothing but her seperated scythes and the clothes on her back. She asked to speak with Master Jack and emerged a member of the guild a couple hours later. She quickly proved her magic was above the A-Class ranking she'd been given and was made the second of Dragon's Fang's S-Class wizards. The one question she'll answer about her past is her magic. She'll always reply with, "It's all I've ever known to be true." Personality: Ammy is quiet and reserved, even around her guildmates. She is similarly quiet and reserved in combat. Team Members: Jake Ronan Three Strengths: (Not just combat) 1. Because of her constant silent surveillance of a person or group, she's good at reading others. 2. Clever tactician 3. Quick Learner Three Weaknesses: (Make them Applicable) 1. Slow to trust or open up to others 2. Can read too much into something and be wrong. Often does and is. 3. Doesn't make friends easily Greatest Love: The little things in life Motivation: To open the world's eyes to it's own evils Appearance: [img][/img] Additional Details: