Riad had been bored during the walk, despite how interesting the city was. He had been around it several times, though mostly at night, and he couldn't get that damnable sun out of his face. Back on Spinel he had loved the eternal darkness that surrounded the continent he called home. It had allowed him to make many an easy escape, and he had adjusted to low-light over time, like anyone else would. When he had left his home, he was eternally annoyed by the [i]brightness[/i] of everything. It made it hard to see and harder to disappear, so he had elected to be up and about during the day as little as possible, though he had far overslept which had resulted in him joining this crew. Where had the rain gone anyway? That had kept the bright orb in the sky at bay. Riad began to toy with the thought of creating a reverse-light spell to deal with it, but he decided that would require more time than he had at the moment. The rat-ways of this city where he staked his home were to dangerous to risk being undefended for any period of time. When they arrived at their location of interest, Riad made sure he was one of the first down into the hole once it was said it was okay, more than happy to go into a dark, damp place, and out of the obnoxiously bright sunshine. What little of it made it to where he was anyway. Once he was down in the sewers, he seemed right at home, promptly inspecting everything in the immediate vicinity of about ten feet for anything mysterious. Finding nothing, he simply reported himself by the ladder in wait for any command indicating what to do next, he was smiling. [b]"It's just like home down here, no bothersome sun and everyone looks horribly sad. I wonder what it'd sound like if someone screamed down here."[/b] He mused for several long moments before glancing around again.