[i]Damn it. This needs to end quickl—[/i] Cewri’s thoughts were interrupted by the floor catching fire. He cursed angrily in several languages. He was relieved when Oryx came over, but the words sent through Celeste by her puppeteer made it clear that whatever it was that Oryx just did wasn’t going to work. Then the symbol appeared on her neck. He was covered in her blood. [i]Her blood…[/i] Distracted as he was, he was still a skilled linguist, and even though it was far from his specialty, and he didn’t have the time or focus to translate—the latter being focused solely on holding the now slick-with-blood Celeste still—he recognized it as Goblin. The smoke was growing thick. [i]We need to get out of here.{/i] Martox’s suggestion was like a breath of fresh air, and with a nod, he left Celeste to his guard. He had been on the ground, but now his head was much closer to the roof. Smoke pooled thickly around his head. He quickly ducked down so that he could see, if only barely. He re-strapped his sword to his waist, and swung his cloak—thankfully unburned—around and onto him. Before doing the same with his pack, he opened it and pulled out a coil of rope and a bolt of cloth. He was quickly again at Celeste’s side, and was binding her with the rope. “If Oryx couldn’t free her,” he said, “we can’t guarantee that he’ll be able to heal her. A broken arm is bad enough.” Once the bindings were finale on, he gagged her with the bolt of cloth. [i]Can’thave her biting me. Even if we weren’t obviously going to take them out, there’s going to be a fight out there.[/i]