[hider=THE ONE AND ONLY] Snake Oil Salesmantype character? Eh? Eh? Name: Manny O. Polly Age: 35 Occupation: Salesman Extraordinaire Species: Human Appearance: [img]http://www.messeriestv.fr/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Jim-Profit.png[/img] Personality: This man is the slimiest scum you will ever have the displeasure to meet, but you'll never know it. He is devilishly charismatic with a silver tongue to match. That said he is a man of [i]some[/i] honor, he'll get the job done under a contract (of which is usually ridden with loopholes and results are seedier than a wheat field after a tornado.) Histroy: A man from the cities back East(or lore equivalent). He was raised as the son of a senator, and the underhanded ways of high society molded him into a smooth talker and greed made him into a businessman. That said high society came with its own past times of which he spent much of his spare time carousing in fight clubs learning the gentleman art of pugilism. With degree in Business administration from a high profile university he came to the frontier to exploit the simple hard working folk. Weapons: -The Finest Vulcan Pistol money can buy -Gold Plated Brass knuckles Skills: -Silver Tongue: Born into high society teaches you that a quick wit and a sharp tongue will get you most everything. -Business Admin: Price speculation, wage management, and most importantly trade bluffs. -Pugilism: Far from a master and naive to life or death struggles, but he can hold his own. -Connections: A skill that might have little value in the frontier, but the ability to drop names and threats might prove valuable. Weaknesses: -Poor shot: Never had a reason to kill a man...personally. -Cushy upbringing: The harshness of the frontier wilderness is largely unknown to him. -Political Enemies: Some very powerful and influential people want him dead. [/hider]