Oryx did his best to heal as much of his charred marrow and snapped the arrow lodged in his back. The head and shaft of the arrow popped out of his rib cage and landed against the wooden floor. The arrowhead was of strange design, made to pierce through armor and cut into meat and do as much damage as it could. A truely sinister thing. The Vanguard was completely confused. He had gifts given to him by gods themselves, and he was useless in releasing Celeste. This was a power far darker then even the Necromancer's rituals. This was not good at all. Nothing about any of this was good. Oryx rushed over by the door and grabbed his sword, gripping it tightly as he continued to rework his own form. Black scorch marks cover his old bones, but he would live. "Time is of the essence friends," Oryx proclaimed. "It looks like we must once against fight side by side. If we see any Undead out there, I swear I'm leaving. Immediately."