Thick black bussiness suit? Check. Well groomed hair? Check. Greased? Definitely. Contempt for the natives and locals? Do you even need to ask at this point? A Social Savant of the East, one, Mr. Polly stepped off the carriage and took a deep sniff of the dry air. Yup, definitely the smell of hill billy hicks waiting to be exploited. "Uh- sir the fare?" The old carriage driver quietly inquired. "Hmm? Oh yes. But no. No money for you. Now before you cry foul, I will state my grievances against you." He cleared his throat, "We arrived precisely an hour later than expected, of which you verbally previously stated we would 'Arrive on time or your ride's on me'. "But you insisted on stopping at a broth-" "Item two, you have deposited a well known and influential son of a Senator on a sandy embankment, and now said son's shoes are filthy. Finally, you smell. GOOD DAY SIR." Manny quickly entered a nearby saloon before the old man can protest. It was filthy, drunken rabble and the sorts littered this establishment. He resolved to buy this place out just to burn it down. For now, he was intent to start small, get a lay of the land; to poke at the soft, rotten, easily bent minds of the locals. "BARKEEP My good man, a shot of your finest brandy, and please don't try to water this down as you did that good man's whiskey," nodding towards the man with a some sort of poster in hand. Manny slyly slouched on the stool using the counter as a back and arm rest, surveying the bar. Ah, there it was, drunkards gambling. And with cards too! At least this place has some sense of propriety. He took the drink placed behind him, leaving what he assumed to be the asking price for this backwater town. He took the shot, decent enough for where it came from, and sat at the gambling table. "Gentlemen, may I partake in these festivities?" More a statement than a question, but they nodded their approval. "So whats the game men?" Poker, simple poker. Easy. Blinds were laughably small, and antes even more so, but this was like taking candy from mentally handicapped man-children. Now, Manny wasn't one to cheat, it never crossed his mind to, but did he sure know how to bluff- and card count, that helped too. He never lost a game yet, firmly believing that such games were 99% social and 1% luck, and boy was he social. He cleaned house, he patted himself on the back, easy as pie. Might as well have just given me their pa- "CHEAT!" Excuse me? Did he hear that right? "Sir, we all played fair here, and I simply was luckier than you fine gentlemen. You can even check me, not a single errant card or devious contraptions." That shut him up- now to go for the killing blow. "If anything sir you insult me and the fine men that you played with. Now that's the real sin." His former enemies turned against the man... Manny smiled.